Thanks for your replies. bob2 do you think or know that it has 2 rail wheels, and I'm just a train around the Christmas tree guy. I didn't know there was a difference in wheels between 2/3 rail. I picked up a MTH Bombardier Tri-Rail 2 pack (I'm a sucker for double deckers) for $80 shipped. I thought, let's keep the theme up. Last years I bought a MTH E8 ABA CNW set and a 4 car bi-level gallery car set. I never ran it due to being gone most of the Holiday season, but I finally put it on powered track. I had the power on only a little on a conventional transformer. The lights were blinking, the strobe was strobbing, the engine sound rumbling, the bell was ringing, and then there was the horn sound. It did 3 beeps and the stuck on constant. I decided to hit the horn button, which did make it stop. 3 seconds later the horn went off twice and then an arc/bark/snap/puff of smoke! It never moved. I have it in for repairs, but haven't heard anything yet. At least I didn't melt the shell, and I didn't bother to remove the shell to see the damage. I'm not a rivet counter, but have taken a liking to being as realistic as my wallet allows. bob2, you also got me with the FM Trainmaster. I have a Lionel Reading and a Williams Reading and run Williams heavyweights. CNW did not has the big one, but they had the baby, and I do not know if they ever pulled the bi-levels. My friends Dad was a conductor for CNW on the Ashland branch. He worked on the Flambeau 400. When I was a kid growing up in Chicago, I never thought that the bi-levels(double deckers) were used outside of commuter service. My house as a kid was across from the Rock Island 91st Street station. I would hop on and ride to 95th street a few nights a week. Now...I would almost take out a second mortgage to get a Rock Island AB6 and some good corrugate bi-levels!