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Less one building not photographed, here are structures in my ghost town, Arroyo Dorado.  The station is an Ameri-towne kit, the Flag Stop,

om which all its walls and a scavented Plasticville bay were used, plus a small store kit whose last life was as a forest ranger station, the

store, really scratchbuilt using plans from a JV Models box of sticks, has a sagging roof that the chimney has fallen through, a saloon with

caved in facade, wall, and roof, and a burned out cellar.















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They would make a GREAT setting for a DVD about Lou Palumbo's favorite charity - The Palumbo Institute for Homeless Train Collectors - mentioned in the new (July 2013) CLASSIC TOY TRAINS (Views From The Underground, p. 26).


It would be neat to find an issue of ACTION Comics No. 1 in the wall, as a fortunate remodeler did this past week. Maybe we would prefer OGR No. 1 or Trains No. 1 or a 1901 Lionel catalog autographed by Joshua L. Cowen.



    Nice old west ghost town! I just finished scratch-building a jailhouse for my old west town. I modeled it after the jail used by John Wayne, Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson in "Rio Bravo." (That's the movie where John Wayne calls Ricky "Colorad uh.")

    Anyway, your buildings are amazing and now you've motivated me to build my saloon next- The Golden Slipper.

    Scenic Express has desert terrain cloth, tumbleweed and cactus. Show us a picture when you have the town complete!


John Knapp

Erie, not Eerie


John Knapp:  There are a couple of jail kits out there including one by Thomas Yorke....that I didn't win bids on....I could model the jail at Red Mountain Town in Colorado, remnants still standing, that was really just s stockade with a door, roof,and

no heat.  I'd guess a winter night there meant you didn't have to feed prisoners...

no heat at 11,000 feet, and you just buried them in the morning.  The vertical stockade poles are still standing on the prototype.

Thanks to all for your comments.


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