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@PRR Mark posted:

I’m looking for a couple items that MTH released a few years ago.  Which dealers would be more likely to have a large inventory and some NOS trains?  Thanks.  


Why not post a Want-To-Buy (WTB) on this forum for the specific items you're seeking?

I'm reasonably sure dealers, large and small, are watching these requests and will notify you if they have the items.

Besides, if the items are from "a few years ago", there's a better chance of finding help among individuals rather than dealers...IMHO, of course.  Having worked at the LHS in our town for about 20 years, managing your store stock properly encourages NOT having older stock linger...local discounted sales, participation in regional flea markets, on-line auction sales, bundled deals, etc., etc..

Just a suggestion...FWIW.

Last edited by dkdkrd

The "find it locally" option on MTH's website is the first place I'd look, but it was unreliable before Mike's "retirement" and I don't know if it's still being updated.

Most of the larger dealers have online inventory that you can search.  However, the larger dealers also tend to not let old stock sit around too long, so if it's something from more than a year or two ago they probably moved it out.

My strategy would be to start calling around and hope that you find someone who isn't too busy to talk.  Sometimes, a dealer that is outside of the geographic area of your desired roadname will have one laying around.  OTOH, a dealer in the roadname's area might know of a customer that is looking to get rid of the item you want. 

Thank you for the replies.  I started at the product locator but I also think it is no longer working.  I have a search active on an online auction and have searched several of our sponsor web sites.  I’ll get on the phone later today.  also I’ll re post in wanted on the forum, it’s been a couple weeks.  I still can’t believe I missed the item in the catalog when it came out but I did.  It was a Pennslyvania reading seashore lines RDC Budd car.  My daughter and I were on one for one of the last runs to Cape May before the tracks were damaged by vandals.  We had a great day.  Went over the canal bridge into Cape May spent a few hours at the mall and back to board the train back.


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