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I recently purchased two F-3 "A" Units with the same item (#20-20940-1) and road number (cab #8016) and am trying to connect them to create a tail-to-tail running arrangement.  According to the MTH DCS Premier F-3&F-7 Diesel engine operator's manual instructions that came in the box, page 10 states that the headlight direction switch in the trailing F-3 should be in the front position.  The instructions then state that the motor direction switch should be in the front position. units' motors are set for front.  Both the lead and trailing units have the same forward settings.  My layout is Atlas track powered by the MTH 4000 transformer, the MTH TIU and the MTH remote.

With both the lead and the trailing units motors and headlights fixed in the forward position, I tried to follow the DCS Operator's manual for lash-ups.  I place the lead "A" unit on the track and successfully added it to the remote.  I removed the lead unit and placed the trailing "A" unit on the track, but when I tried to add it to the engine list the remote stated that the engine was already added.  

My questions may seem a bit on the amateur side, but this is my first experience with creating a lash-up and with two identical engines in play, I want to do it correctly.

1.  With the lead "A" unit already in the remote how do I add the trailing "A" unit to the remote in order to move to the next step which is creating the lash-up with the two engines on the track at the same time?

2.  The manuals indicate that when you operate a lash-up on the track you cannot add another nine to operate a separate train at the same time.  Is this correct?



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Martin Dougherty posted:


1.  With the lead "A" unit already in the remote how do I add the trailing "A" unit to the remote in order to move to the next step which is creating the lash-up with the two engines on the track at the same time?

2.  The manuals indicate that when you operate a lash-up on the track you cannot add another nine to operate a separate train at the same time.  Is this correct?



1) You could delete that engine first, put both engines on the track, and add them both to the same address. Take any other engines off the powered track first! You'll have to observe which direction they then run and set the switch on the trailing A unit to mate correctly.


2) What? Nine? I don't understand what you're saying here.

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