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Hi all,

I'm currently at a crossroads when it comes to a way forward with track on the layout and look to those who have much more experience. I apologize for the novel coming, but want to at least look at most angles of this.

We currently have a 4x8 layout based on O27 profile track. I've expanded to about as far as I can go I think with incorporating Marx 036 curves as well as Lionel/KLine 042 Switches and track and and a bit of 054 here and there. I'm looking at expanding out, going to a 12x8 L shape or bigger. My question is, is it worth it to go to O or stick with what we have? This is for me and my two boys to go down and enjoy after a hard day at work/school.

My biggest concern for me are switches and engines/rolling stock that will run through them.

For O27 track I have plenty of track, straights, curves (27,36,42,54) O27 switches and have even collected a handful of O42 switches both manual and automatic. I would like to get a hold of some of the Marx O36 switches to help with this but I can't seem to find them at a fairly reasonable price. I have more than enough track and the O27 switches, but would be limited to running trains that would be compatible with O27 in the future.

For O gauge, I do have some straights, curves, and switches but not a lot of it.. I got what I thought was a deal, 5 left and 8 right o22 switches for 25 dollars at a train show. I have no idea how many work, but it was an ok deal I thought. Concern would be purchasing more track and switches and expense associated, but would give me flexibility as I see most of the items in Latest Lionel Catalog are rated for O31. I read that a lot will actually run on O27, but they list it as O31 as a marketing thing.

Not looking towards Atlas/FastTrack/RealTrax or those solutions as I would really be starting from scratch and I like the Tinplate look.

Most of our engines now will run O27 as I've bought specifically for that, we have 1 Diesel that doesn't like the switches but does ok with curves. I don't really have a want to go into scale equipment, or larger pieces. If I do go that direction it won't be for many many years.

So, there is where I'm at with this project. Menards track maybe? Stick with O27 and source some large switches?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated and any questions please feel free to ask.


Thank you all.




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