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Hey Guys and Gals,

Over the last two years I have seen and learned some wonderful things on this site. Unfortunately when I started my layout almost ten years ago, I did not know of this site. It would have been helpful, motivating, and inspiring if I did.

With all that being said, I have decided to start a post of the progress of my layout from this point forward. I have posted several progress submissions over the years but would like to put them in one thread as well.  When necessary or asked I will also post some "before and after" pics to give everyone an idea and conceptual insight to what I have been doing over the years.

Because of many personal obstacles, it has taken me all of these years to get to this point in the layout, where I am wiring signals and just starting scenery work. They say patience is a virtue and as anxious as I have been to get things accomplished life took over and slowed me down for a period. I know the next journey on the layout construction will be more interesting because of this forum.

The first post, in this thread, will be the hillside I am creating before installing the coal tipple over the yard.

Thanks and all suggestions and comments welcome.



Images (3)
  • Tipple Hillside #1: Will have to add another layer of foam on the back section and two more on the front section. Once that's done I can begin making a mess!
  • Tipple Hillside #2
  • Tipple Hillside #3
Last edited by luvindemtrains
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hi Everyone,

The dimensions of the layout are approximately 25' X 15'. It is an around the room plan which currently features a 6-track yard. The layout has a two track mainline (lower level) and a single loop branch line(upper level). I use Atlas 3 rail track. The layout is not based on any particular area and is freelance. I would venture to say, because of my preferences, the era of the layout would be from the transition era to the present. I know, how do you model that? Big gap, I know, but I like the new and old. 

I mostly use diesel power but have started to become more fond of steam power. 

Here are some random pics of the layout. I also have a couple of videos on Youtube under luvindemtrains.

I also have included the print out of the track plan but there have been a few modifications made to that. Most notably in the upper level (branch line). The three track spur section, to the right, has been re-installed on the lower level. I could not justify keeping it on the upper level. Currently this area is where I have an engine servicing facility but plan to cut through the wall and continue the layout in the adjacent room. When that project begins I will post it step by step. 




Images (14)
  • Original Layout Design: Basic Track Plan
  • 193: Fascia Installed but not stained.
  • 196: Fascia Installed and stained.
  • 002: Pre-painted gorge area.
  • 007: Another view of unpainted gorge area.
  • 024: This is after the new bridge was installed and before any backdrops were installed and before I painted the benchwork.
  • 043: another view of bridge area.
  • After Paint and New Bridge: Bridge and steel mill backdrop.
  • Canyon #1: Semi-finished gorge area. Several details including finishing the river have to be done.
  • Canyon #2: Another view of the gorge and its forced perspective.
  • Backdrop Installed #1 (right side): My first try at backdrop installation. My vaulted walls made this project interesting. Thanks for all of the suggestions I received.
  • Painted Benchwork #1: Left side of layout after benchwork was painted. The town will be located here.
  • After Paint and New Bridge #2: To the right is the section that leads to the engine servicing facility and that will eventually go into the next room.  You can see a section of the steel mill backdrop behind the bridge.
  • Painted Benchwork #2: This is another section of the left side of the layout.
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Good Evening Everyone,

Today I had a burst of energy, after work, and decided to do some more work on the hillside for the coal tipple. First are a couple of pics with me laying out some retaining walls and also the piers I had to install to get clearance for the engines, hoppers, and other rolling stock I will run under the coal tipple.  Next, there are a few pics with the coal tipple in place before carving.

The last few pics will show new stacked foam, in the rear, that covers the entire corner. I got an idea, while at work, and this was what I needed to do in an attempt to execute the idea. The last few pics show both hillsides carved and the front hillside partially painted. I'm feeling pretty good about this and am trying to be as methodical as I can be.

I did fill in the gaps and paint the rear hillside but did not put it in place because the paint needs to dry overnight, before I put it on the layout. Tomorrow I hope to have the same energy and do more work on this scene. I will show more progress in the next day or so.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.




Images (8)
  • Hillside Uncut with Retaing Walls #1
  • Hillside Uncut with Coal Tipple #1 Rotated
  • Hillside Uncut with Coal Tipple #2 (close up) Rotated
  • Foam Uncut #1
  • Foam Uncut #2 (closer)
  • Foam Cut #1
  • Foam Cut #2
  • Foam Cut #3
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Good Afternoon Guys and Gals,

I have been working to get as much done around the Coal Tipple as I can this weekend.  Here are some progress pictures. Not quite finished yet but got a lot done.

Once I get to certain point with a scene, I move on and come back to it. This allows me to come upHillside for Coal Tipple #1[April 2018)Hillside for Coal Tipple #2[April 2018)Hillside for Coal Tipple #3[April 2018)Hillside for Coal Tipple #4[April 2018) AdjustedCoal Tipple Progress #1[April 2018)Coal Tipple Progress #2[April 2018)Coal Tipple Progress #3[April 2018)Coal Tipple Progress #4[April 2018)

with ideas for more detail.

I am going to start the town scene this evening and will keep everyone posted every step of the way.

Comments and Suggestions welcome.



Images (8)
  • Hillside for Coal Tipple #1(April 2018)
  • Hillside for Coal Tipple #2(April 2018)
  • Hillside for Coal Tipple #3(April 2018)
  • Coal Tipple Progress  #2(April 2018)
  • Coal Tipple Progress  #3(April 2018)
  • Coal Tipple Progress  #4(April 2018)
  • Coal Tipple Progress  #5(April 2018)
  • Coal Tipple Progress  #6(April 2018)
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Thanks Mike! I'm working on more foliage for the area and a trim here or there on the hillside (rear). Once that is done I will concentrate on making the area a little more "dirty".

I'm getting closer to ballasting and "coaling" the tracks but will save that to I get the area just about where it looks finished. I am having to lay across those tracks more often that I want to do when I have the tracks rocked up. 

Oh yeah, I need to wire it up as well.


Last edited by luvindemtrains

Hey Everyone,

I have started to plant some "greenery" on the layout. Mostly vines, but some trees as well. Here is a pic update on some of that work as well as what I added around the coal tipple. You probably can't tell from the pics but I need to also weather the retaining walls in front of the steel mill backdrop. They are still a little to "clean".


Vines #1Vines #2Vines #3Vines #4Vines #5 [Coal Tipple)Vines #6 [Coal Tipple)Vines #7 [Coal Tipple)Vines #8 [Coal Tipple)


Images (8)
  • Vines #1
  • Vines #2
  • Vines #3
  • Vines #4
  • Vines #5 (Coal Tipple)
  • Vines #6 (Coal Tipple)
  • Vines #7 (Coal Tipple)
  • Vines #8 (Coal Tipple)

Here is a start to my town scene ala "Dave Minarik". I wanted to capture a scene of a small Northern town where part of the town is on a hillside. This was a regular site in my youth and a great way to bring "home" to my layout. 

First you see where I traced out the main section of the town. I then built up 4"(two sections of pink foam stacked) and then cut to form. Next, I lined the roads and sidewalks that will run through the area. The final pictures shows some cut-ins for buildings. 

The next step will be to cut in the roads and trim the edges to depict rock sides. On the left of the road that crosses the railroad tracks I am considering another piece of foam and a bridge that connects the two sections.

As always suggestions and comments are welcome.



Images (9)
  • City Scene Foam Placement #1A
  • City Scene Foam Placement #2
  • City Scene Foam Placement #3
  • City Scene Foam Placement #4
  • City Scene Foam Placement #5
  • City Scene Foam Placement #6
  • City Scene Foam Placement #7
  • City Scene Foam Placement #8
  • City Scene Foam Placement #9
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Hey Guys and Gals,

It's been a while since I posted but here we go. This post is an update of the town scene on the layout. Most of the buildings are in place and the road system has been completed. I have begun installing sidewalks and some greenery and "pinkery" has begun to grow. 

Future work in this area will include building up the areas outside of the platform. I will need to put some buildings up on the other side of the main street. I will be installing a backdrop of a town scene that will give the town some more depth and I need to continue working on the small industrial area on the other side of the truss bridge in front of town. 

Of course more details in the town itself will continue. The buildings need wired up and some detail work needs to be done on a few of them. There are a couple of spaces I need to add a building or two and I think the town may need a parking lot. The roads need lined and weathered. I still need to install more sidewalks, plant more foliage and trees, and add other elements present in a town. Eventually human life will find its way in the small bustling area. 

Lastly, I have decided to put an access hole under the platform. The platform will not be secured to the bench work and my frequent trips atop Midtown will not be an option as more scenery gets completed.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.




Town Scene #1 [phase 2) Completed

Town Scene #5 [phase 2)

Town Scene #2 [phase 2)

Town Scene #3 [phase 2)

Town Scene #4 [phase 2)









Images (12)
  • Town Scene #1 (phase 2) Completed
  • Town Scene #5 (phase 2)
  • Town Scene #2 (phase 2)
  • Town Scene #3 (phase 2)
  • Town Scene #4 (phase 2)
  • IMG_0221[1]
  • IMG_0215[1]
  • IMG_0217[1]
  • IMG_0211[1]
  • IMG_0220[1]
  • IMG_0218[1]
  • IMG_0219[1]
Last edited by luvindemtrains
Mark Boyce posted:

Dave, I like the town not being on a flat plane but the streets go up to different levels.  Nothing is flat around here that is for sure.


Yes, I know. I used to travel to Weirton, WV regularly and I take my inspiration from there. Most of the homes and businesses are on a hill. I know this is a regular view in much of the Ohio Valley area. My great aunt's home was on a hillside and the steps that led to the house were so steep I always thought I would fall going up and down them. 

Yes, Indeed!  Our older daughter and her husband own a house that you walk down steps from street level to the first floor, there is a walkout basement below that, with a crawl space below that.  We owned a house like that along a country road at one time, and our first house had 20 steps down to the front porch, then that many again down to below the garage in the basement.  We are at the tip top of a hill overlooking the town 300 feet below, so we don't have those problems, but sometimes it seems like a bobsled run down to town in the wintertime.  

Mark Boyce posted:

Yes, Indeed!  Our older daughter and her husband own a house that you walk down steps from street level to the first floor, there is a walkout basement below that, with a crawl space below that.  We owned a house like that along a country road at one time, and our first house had 20 steps down to the front porch, then that many again down to below the garage in the basement.  We are at the tip top of a hill overlooking the town 300 feet below, so we don't have those problems, but sometimes it seems like a bobsled run down to town in the wintertime.  


Hi Paperboys,

I apologize for the late response.  

Anywho, I simply used a combination of steak knife and dry wall knife, and actually a metal paint can opener. 

I used the steak knife and dry wall to do the various carving of the foam, usually starting with dry wall knife. Then I take the paint can opener and randomly notch out sections of the foam. 

I plan to do a video using this technique, even though there are many on Youtube.

I hope this helps!


Last edited by luvindemtrains

Good Evening Guys and Gals,

Took a break from the town scene which helps me with taking that scene to the next level as I observe and critique it for a few days. 

Did some more work on the farm scene. I had to create terrain to cover the bottom of the backdrop where there is a slight space between it and the bench work, placed the farm house and barn and started the gravel road. The next step is to do more with blending ground cover, especially around the barn,  a small pond close the the house, trees, a cornfield and other vegetation, and of course what is a farm without farm animals. I also need to weather the barn and paint over the signage on the rooftop (sorry Menard's)! As always when I add those features I will post the results, but this is where I am as of this evening. 

Good Evening and I hope everyone had a great weekend!











Images (6)
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Good Day Everyone! Today's post on the thread is more for opinions and advice on a project I am working on. I am currently preparing the adjacent room to my current layout for an extension and addition. The room will allow me to extend the upper level of the current layout and allow me to run longer trains and also will let the trains disappear for a bit.  Secondly, the upper level to the addition will be 2 Rail, which will satisfy the "itch" I have had for this aspect of the hobby. 

The room is not very large, about 11'X12' which is enough to keep me busy and meet my immediate goals. 

I have provided the design to the extension and my question is do you think that this is a good use of the space that I have for this project? Any comments or suggestions are welcome.





OK, I'll try to be a little clearer.  First, with the benchwork in the PDF picture, it doesn't look like you will have much room between the walls and the edge of the benchwork.  Might just be my old eyes and "wide hips" talking, but most "experts" (term used in jest) recommend at least 24" to 36" aisle spacing.

Second, put two switches on each side of your balloon loop so that the turnout goes to the outside of the loop.  Then connect the first set of switches with O84 curves and the second set with O96 curves.  Now, you have two tracks to use for concealed staging of trains while the O72 mainline allows for a run-through.  I specifically recommend those curves so that you can run longer equipment and engines through there with minimal chance of problems.  Of course, since most, if not all, of that track will be hidden, you will have to be very careful in the track laying, and you will have to develop a system for identifying occupied tracks to avoid collisions as trains enter.


Good Evening Guys and Gals,

I decided to post the before and after of the room I will be extending the current layout into. These pics show the paint job and track lighting that was installed. The room is adjacent to the main train room and is 11'X12'.  Though it wasn't a big deal to paint the room and install the lighting after the bench work was built, in the main room, this way saves a lot of time and seems to be the logical way to do things.  

I will begin bench work very soon and post pics of that process.


Empty Room #1 [Train Room)

Empty Room #2 [Train Room)

Empty Room #3 [Train Room)

Empty Room #5 [Train Room)

Train Room Extension [Phase I) #5

Train Room Extension [Phase I) #4

Train Room Extension [Phase I) #3

Train Room Extension [Phase I) #2

Train Room Extension [Phase I) #1


Images (9)
  • Empty Room #1 (Train Room)
  • Empty Room #2 (Train Room)
  • Empty Room #3 (Train Room)
  • Empty Room #5 (Train Room)
  • Train Room Extension (Phase I) #5
  • Train Room Extension (Phase I) #4
  • Train Room Extension (Phase I) #3
  • Train Room Extension (Phase I) #2
  • Train Room Extension (Phase I) #1

Dave, nice track plan. I take it from the plan the upper and lower tracks in the front of the layout will be a duckunder or lift up section???. Looking at that would it be possible to add another switch so you could come into the yard from the opposite direction adding a fourth siding and then you wpould not have to back trains into the yard...................Paul. 

paul 2 posted:

Dave, nice track plan. I take it from the plan the upper and lower tracks in the front of the layout will be a duckunder or lift up section???. Looking at that would it be possible to add another switch so you could come into the yard from the opposite direction adding a fourth siding and then you wpould not have to back trains into the yard...................Paul. 

Paul thanks and your idea is genius. I think I may do that and yes, the entrance will actually be a lift bridge.


Good Afternoon Everyone. I thought I would post the start of the bench work to the extension of the layout. What you are seeing is the lower level of the extension which is level that will be connected to the upper level from the main room. It is about 39.5" high.

At this point I still need to complete one section on this level, then I will start the upper level which will be somewhat more intricate. 

My goal is to have bench work and track installed in a few weeks, but we'll see. I have an open house in November so maybe I can have trains running by then.


First Phase of Benchwork TRII #1

First Phase of Bench Work TRII #3

First Phase of Bench Work TRII #5

First Phase of Bench Work TRII #4



Images (4)
  • First Phase of Benchwork TRII #1
  • First Phase of Bench Work TRII #3
  • First Phase of Bench Work TRII #5
  • First Phase of Bench Work TRII #4
luvindemtrains posted:

Good Afternoon Everyone. I thought I would post the start of the bench work to the extension of the layout. What you are seeing is the lower level of the extension which is level that will be connected to the upper level from the main room. It is about 39.5" high.

At this point I still need to complete one section on this level, then I will start the upper level which will be somewhat more intricate. 

My goal is to have bench work and track installed in a few weeks, but we'll see. I have an open house in November so maybe I can have trains running by then.


First Phase of Benchwork TRII #1

First Phase of Bench Work TRII #3

First Phase of Bench Work TRII #5

First Phase of Bench Work TRII #4


Your benchwork looks professional !   Now would be a great time to apply wall features, even if just skyblue paint.  Good luck with your progress !

Here is some more progress on the farm scene and I'm relieved to say it is nearing completion...well at least for the the major elements. It was fun but for some reason getting the figures was a bigger task than I thought. I have added some life to the scene as well as some more scenery. The only thing missing is a little more cattle and some piggies. 

This coming week I will be posting some progress on the extension of the layout which will included completed bench work and installation of track. Stay tuned!


Almost Complete #1[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #2[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #3[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #4[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #5[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #6[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #7[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #8[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #9[Farm Scene)

Almost Complete #10[Farm Scene)


Images (10)
  • Almost Complete #1(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #2(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #3(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #4(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #5(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #6(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #7(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #8(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #9(Farm Scene)
  • Almost Complete #10(Farm Scene)
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Hi Everyone,

It has been a while since I posted. I have been back and forth between the main room and more bench work in the second room. Not much work done in the main room since working on the farm scene and getting it cleaned up for my open house, which by the way went very well. 

However, quite a bit has been done on the layout out extension. I have completed the lower level (3Rail) and trains are running. I got a good start on the upper level (2Rail). The bench work is done and as you see in the pics I have begun to lay track.  The roundhouse and turntable are in the correct place but it looks like I will need to cut into the homasote to install the turntable so that the whisker tracks leading into the round house are flush. This is interesting to me considering the turntable was made to sit on the surface. I assume this is because my  turntable was a conversion from 3 Rail and it simply sits higher. There is a pic of the girder bridge awaiting installation of the piers you see. I actually will need to trim them down about a 1/4 of an inch. 

Once I cut the track that goes inside the roundhouse, install the track in the yard, and install a lift bridge, I will hook up the NCE and get trains running.  I'm hoping to get this done before Christmas. 

Though the extension is in a smaller room I have some creative ideas that if I can pull it off, will give this part of the layout some character.

I actually have some footage of the extension build as well as other updates to the layout. I just need to get in the trenches and do some editing and get it posted. Stayed tuned for that but don't hold your breath, lol. 

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.


Upper Level Unfinished #1

Upper Level Unfinished #2

Upper Level Unfinished #3

Upper Level Unfinished #4

Upper Level Unfinished #5

Upper Level Unfinished #6




Images (6)
  • Upper Level Unfinished #1
  • Upper Level Unfinished #2
  • Upper Level Unfinished #3
  • Upper Level Unfinished #4
  • Upper Level Unfinished #5
  • Upper Level Unfinished #6

Good Evening Guys and Gals,

As promised, I will be doing daily layout updates this week. That means work, work, work! I have a goal I want to reach by this coming Saturday, so I am going to take you on the journey with me until I reach that goal. Today adjustments were made to the bench work to have more contour in the real estate.

The first pic shows "a hot mess" as the magic is unraveling. The area you see to the left will be a small river that eventually runs into a small lake. To the left of the river will be a two lane dirt road for light traffic. 

Pic #2 you see at ground level shows HO tunnel portals. The one in the foreground will be a bridge for the dirt road. The second is an overpass/culvert for the 3 rail traffic. Both are crossing over a small river. There is a third bridge, located on top right, also for the dirt road. That bridge will go in the left back corner you see in the first pic by the drill.  I apologize for the black spots. My bench work is my temporary work bench and the inside of culverts and lining of the underside of bridges needed to be sprayed with flat black paint. That will all disappear before the week is out.

Pic #3 shows the turnout that was just installed this past Saturday. The goal was to get all track laid before scenery work began. I fell short of  this task as the installation of lift bridges did not happen. I still need to weather both turnouts that were installed. The other is located in the area to right not pictured.

Pic #4 shows custom bridge abutments that will support a small girder bridge. These have to be painted but turned out fine. Scraps were used to level out the abutments but will be covered in scenery before it's all said and done. I will add bridge shoes and girder plates to finish this up.

Pic #5 shows another aerial view of the river/lake area. You can also see the second bridge a little clearer. The two HO retaining walls you see against the wall are placed in the area that several of them will be located in, hence the last two pics. I have several more of these to make before I can call it quits for tonight. 

Tomorrow the task is to begin roughing in land forms, covering with plaster cloth, and some rock carving.  See you then!



  Day One Scenery Work 5

Day One Scenery Work

Day One Scenery Work 3 

Day One Scenery Work 4

Day One Scenery Work 2

Mold for Train Room Two 1

Mold for Train Room Two 2


Images (8)
  • Day One Scenery Work
  • Day One Scenery Work 5
  • Day One Scenery Work 3
  • Day One Scenery Work 4
  • Mold for Train Room  Two 1
  • Mold for Train Room  Two 2
  • Day One Scenery Work 5
  • Day One Scenery Work 2
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Dave, that is a lot of work going on.  I like the concept of the scenery, (river, lake, dirt road, overpasses)  The castings look great!  It can be a messy job for sure.  I see one support leg under the widest part of the lake I believe.  How much plywood overhang are you leaving past the supports.  I am thing=king of doing the same thing.  If all that is out in the aisle over the aisle is lightweight scenery, then I should get away with no supports very close to the edge.  It's kind of like the idea of L girder, where a few inches of tabletop can be cantilevered beyond the edge of the support.  Not a lot, I'm sure. 

Good Morning Mark,

In some areas the overhang is as small as an inch and in one area it actually is about 9". This is due to the contour of the plywood. There will be fascia all along the edges of this area as well.

When the bench work was modified more bracing had to be installed to maintain its integrity. Along with that one support leg, shown in the pic, I can climb on the bench work with no problem. I did have to shim that particular leg because it had "sunk" into the carpet after months of initially being built. 

Here is a pic of the under side of the lake area. Try not to get dizzy looking at them. The last three pics show various areas of overhang of the plywood in the lake/river area.


Under Lake Area #1

Under Lake Area #2

Under Lake Area #3Overhang of Plywood Lake Area

Overhang of Plywood Lake Area #2

Overhang of Plywood Lake Area #3


Images (6)
  • Under Lake Area #1
  • Under Lake Area #2
  • Under Lake Area #3
  • Overhang of Plywood Lake Area
  • Overhang of Plywood Lake Area #2
  • Overhang of Plywood Lake Area #3

Dave, Thank you for the underside photographs.  I didn't get dizzy, and that is even considering I woke up with the flu last night and fell down twice getting to and from the bathroom.  Mike G. must have sent it 2500 miles to me.  He is such a generous, good hearted fellow!    I'm getting along somewhat better now.  I think the weakness of both legs going through this lower back/sciatic problem contributed to me falling.

Back to the layout!  Everything seems braced good, and I don't care how much you weigh, if it holds you, there should be no worries!!  I'm 170 pounds, and I know I wouldn't be putting that much weight on any given spot.  I am going to have at least two curves on inside corners that the Mianne angled solution is too much benchwork.  I don't want to put the money into a custom solution, but I think I will be fine.  Past experience with L girder tells me the facia gives a lot of stability to those spots as well.

I'll look forward to your progress.  You have Mike in the Northwest Washington state and me in Northwestern Pennsylvania rooting for you!!! 

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Will be watching your progress this week. This is an enjoyable part of building a layout. You seem to have thought things through and can just let your creativity and imagination go wherever they will. Can be frustrating too because it may be more difficult or time-consuming than you expected. Just a suggestion... Have you considered carved pink foam covered by lightweight hydrocal instead of plaster over screening?



I'm sure you know you need take it easy. I don't like the sound of you falling once let alone twice. I'm sure you don't either. As far as it coming through the air thousands of miles away, all I can say is "That's What Friends Are For" in Stevie Wonders voice. Mike I hope you are prepared to chime in...some things you just should not share with friends! Send best wishes, send gratitude, send gifts, but don't send illness or any of the like.

Anywho, I don't plan to climb on bench work once scenery is done. I have a few pop ups. However it is nice to know that I don't have limitations on what reasonably I can put atop the bench work.


I will meet you half way. Most of the substructure is pink foam, then plaster cloth, finally rock molds. I have found in the last year or so, there are not many land forms you can't do with pink foam. I am curious why you mention or suggest light weight hydrocal.




Yes I wrote all that part for Mike’s benefit since he just wrote.  I want to see what his reply is and yours too.  

I agree, some folks with basic scenery walk on their layouts instead of having pop up holes.  Anyone with more elaborate scenery won’t want to walk on it.  It never occurred to me to walk on a layout until I got on this forum.  Just to make a structural test while building makes sense though 

Good Morning. The goal for yesterday was accomplished but unfortunately not too long afterwards I took a nap. I would have still been sleep but realized I had to make a run to the store for some acrylic paints and isopropyl alcohol. Once I got back home I did some cleaning where the work was done in the train room. 

The first pic is what I call the "hot mess". This is because the area worked on is also the work bench, etc. 

Today land forms were installed and shaved, then plaster cloth was added, followed by rock molds and carving those molds. Track was painted in the area being worked on but still need to paint the ties. One of the retaining walls was installed from molds I made on this past Monday. Tunnel portals and lining was installed. Two of the tunnels will be natural rock and the other will be a pre-fabricated portal.  Lastly, fascia was installed in this area.

Today the plans are to continue with the land forms, plaster cloth, and more rock molds. Next sculpt-ta-mold will be added in the dirt areas. Another retaining wall will need to be installed. Once this is completed color washes will be added to rock work. I may end up painting the fascia as well. This task will be more time consuming as there is a period that the land forms will need to dry. To not waste time I may start a smaller project on another section of the layout. 

Tomorrow, will be dedicated to finishing up the coloring, adding ground foam,  and ballast to track. I will again post when the work is completed and include brief descriptions of what was done.  


Day Two Scenery Work

Day Two Scenery Work 2Day Two Scenery Work 4Day Two Scenery Work 7Day Two Scenery Work 6Day Two Scenery Work 8

Day Two Scenery Work 9

Day Two Scenery Work 10

Day Two Scenery Work 11


Images (9)
  • Day Two Scenery Work
  • Day Two Scenery Work 2
  • Day Two Scenery Work 4
  • Day Two Scenery Work 7
  • Day Two Scenery Work 6
  • Day Two Scenery Work 8
  • Day Two Scenery Work 9
  • Day Two Scenery Work 10
  • Day Two Scenery Work 11

WOW, I am with Mark, you are moving at a record pace! Makes me want to do some scenery work, but I also had a plan on getting all the track down first! Seeing your work and may others here has me torn, track or scenery? Oh well, its nothing but time! Great work Cant wait to see what comes tomorrow!

Mark and Mike,

Thanks! It's called sleep deprivation. Seems like I just got done and I'm right back at it as we speak. Well not right this second, taking a breather. Plus I have to cook dinner for my guest.

Actually most of the track is in place. I just need to install lift bridges. Also,this is only one side of the layout. I still have the other to do and am using this to learn some new techniques.


Last edited by luvindemtrains
luvindemtrains posted:


I'm sure you know you need take it easy. I don't like the sound of you falling once let alone twice. I'm sure you don't either.


I will meet you half way. Most of the substructure is pink foam, then plaster cloth, finally rock molds. I have found in the last year or so, there are not many land forms you can't do with pink foam. I am curious why you mention or suggest light weight hydrocal.




My personal preference is for "Mold-a-Scene" over carved pink foam. I suggested lightweight hydrocal because it can be carved to look like rock.


Please be careful not to fall. My wife fell recently and dislocated her shoulder. Improving now but still not 100%.


Now this looks great Dave. Glad I got to see this post(some hide from me until someone comments). Best ideas come from seeing someone else's progress. I'll have to look at this even more.

Mark, no falling please. Let me fall down a bunch. I'm still young enough to bounce right back up(knock on wood) and fortunate that the nasty bugs like the flu stay away.

Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:

Now this looks great Dave. Glad I got to see this post(some hide from me until someone comments). Best ideas come from seeing someone else's progress. I'll have to look at this even more.

Mark, no falling please. Let me fall down a bunch. I'm still young enough to bounce right back up(knock on wood) and fortunate that the nasty bugs like the flu stay away.


Thank you very much, Dave!  I let the dog out this morning and the patio was a sheet of ice.  She got her lead stuck on a clump of icy snow.  I was able to reach her by holding onto the door handle for support!  I remember how we used to like to take a running start and slide on the ice with our boots!  Those days are gone for me!  LOL

Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:

Now this looks great Dave. Glad I got to see this post(some hide from me until someone comments). Best ideas come from seeing someone else's progress. I'll have to look at this even more.

Mark, no falling please. Let me fall down a bunch. I'm still young enough to bounce right back up(knock on wood) and fortunate that the nasty bugs like the flu stay away.

Thanks a lot Dave! It's a big undertaking but I haven't been doing what I should for months. The motivation comes and goes. That's why I get on here as often as I can. This forum is a big part of my motivation with all the great ideas and projects fellow forumites are doing. Is that even a word?


Good Evening,

Today all rock work was finished. The first couple of coats of wash was applied and we are now in the "Ugly Phase" of this project. The last 3 pics show what I mean.

However, on tomorrow, rock work will be dry brushed, ground foam will be applied, track ties colored, and track ballasted. At that point the outcome should usher in the "Pretty Phase". Stayed tuned and we shall see! 


Day 3 Scenery Work

Day 3 Scenery Work 2

Day 3 Scenery Work 3

Day 3 Scenery Work 4

Day 3 Scenery Work 5




Images (5)
  • Day 3 Scenery Work
  • Day 3 Scenery Work 2
  • Day 3 Scenery Work 3
  • Day 3 Scenery Work 4
  • Day 3 Scenery Work 5


I recently saw your underpass posts and thought to myself, I would like to see more of his layout and entire thread before my eyes this evening.  Your track work and installation of signals is breath taking. Your type of  work is one major reason I come to this site. When a modeler of your talents compliments me I know I'm doing something right. Great work on your layout and you now have a new fan. 

I'm happy you were able to check out what I have been doing with the layout and very much appreciate your encouraging words.


Last edited by luvindemtrains
luvindemtrains posted:
Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:

Now this looks great Dave. Glad I got to see this post(some hide from me until someone comments). Best ideas come from seeing someone else's progress. I'll have to look at this even more.

Mark, no falling please. Let me fall down a bunch. I'm still young enough to bounce right back up(knock on wood) and fortunate that the nasty bugs like the flu stay away.

Thanks a lot Dave! It's a big undertaking but I haven't been doing what I should for months. The motivation comes and goes. That's why I get on here as often as I can. This forum is a big part of my motivation with all the great ideas and projects fellow forumites are doing. Is that even a word?


Forumites? Well, it is now. I can understand motivation  issues, that always happens with everything that there is. The term or phrase, "sucking my motivation right out of me" has been uttered in one way or another many times before. Thing is to always give yourself a break(bit here or there) to give yourself a fresh set of eyes. I still have to get my eyes, lol.

Well here we are guys and gals, day 4 is over. This scene is starting to look "finished". Rock faces and retaining walls were further painted and dry brushed, ground foam was added, tallis was colored, baked, and applied, and dirt road was completed.

So tomorrow we will be adding ground foam to the edges of the road, trees planted, track ties colored and track ballasted, paint fascia, and pour waterway.  I do see the light at the end of the tunnel now. This has been the most aggressive work done to the layout, in regards to time, thus far.

The last thing I will tackle before I break from major layout work is making alterations to the bench work on the other side of the layout. Work on this area will begin tomorrow after the scenery is completed on the area I have been showing all week. Work on the bench work should be completed by early afternoon Saturday.  It will be just a push here, tuck there, and lift over there type of deal.



Day 4 Scenery Work #1

Day 4 Scenery Work #2

Day 4 Scenery Work #3

Day 4 Scenery Work #4

Day 4 Scenery Work #5


Images (5)
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #1
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #2
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #3
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #4
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #5
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Good Evening Everyone,

Today modifications to bench work was begun and will be finished up earlier tomorrow ahead of schedule. As soon as that is done I will take my time with the scenery and still give regular updates.

Anywho, today track ties were painted and track was ballasted in the section I've been showing all week, trees were planted, river/lake bed painted, and fascia was painted. 

As mentioned bench work will be completed tomorrow, water will be poured, and I hope that my girder plates and bridge shoes show up so that it can be painted and installed. After that it's a wrap and I can just go back to running trains. Stay tuned for the finishing touches tomorrow!



Day 5 Scenery Work #1

Day 5 Scenery Work #2

Day 5 Scenery Work #3

Day 5 Scenery Work #4

Day 4 Scenery Work #5

Day 4 Scenery Work #6

Day 5 Scenery Work #7

Day 5 Scenery Work #8

Day 5 Scenery Work #9

Day 5 Scenery Work #10

Day 5 Scenery Work #11

Day 5 Scenery Work #12


Images (12)
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #1
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #2
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #3
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #4
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #5
  • Day 4 Scenery Work #6
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #7
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #8
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #9
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #10
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #11
  • Day 5 Scenery Work #12
MELGAR posted:

Beautiful and realistic. Is there a real place or scene that you had in mind when you planned this. And, what kind of trains/railroad do you plan to put into this scenery?


Much appreciated Melgar! The plan was freelance but in this small area I wanted as much contour in the land forms as I thought would be reasonable and tasteful. Also I wanted early fall to be the season as that to me, is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Lastly, because the area is so small, I didn't want to just have "rail fanning" be the only option but wanted to add a few switching opportunities.

The plan is to run motive power from the Pennsy or any of its affiliates/successors such as New York Central, Penn Central, etc. Most will be diesel power but will run smaller steam units such as consolidations, mikados, etc. My next order of business is to incorporate a few signature items to that railroad such as the block walls and hairpin fencing.

There are only three small areas in this room where you will see the 3 Rail trains passing through. Most of my 3 Rail fleet is modern diesels with half a dozen or so steamers. So you will regularly see modern "excursions" passing through as well as other road names. As stated earlier in this thread, I extended the 3 Rail into this second room so that I could run longer trains and they could actually "go somewhere". So I wanted to feature the smaller 2 Rail area but serve that initial purpose as well.


Last edited by luvindemtrains
carsntrains posted:

Dave awesome work.  Can you tell me what color the walls are?   They look white in the pictures.  May be the lighting?? I dont want to go too dark blue with mine.  I want to paint my walls before I start my hill project.   If mine turns out 1/10 as good as yours I will be THRILLED!


Hey Jim,

The walls are a sky blue maybe specifically a color called Carolina Sky. I got it from Lowe's. 


RSJB18 posted:

Dave- been following your marathon over the past weeks mostly with silent likes as you progressed. Seeing the whole scene come together is such a short time is quite impressive. You are definitely way too modest regarding your skills! Great job!

Let's see some trains on those hills now.


Hey Bob,

I appreciate you catching up on the layout thread. I appreciate all the likes and your compliments towards my efforts. I will be taking some pics in the new few days with trains on the new area and hopefully will get a video up soon. 


Good Evening Guys and Gals,

I'm sure many of you have been in the same predicament as I. You start one project and see something else on the layout that you want to do so you start that as well. Well I'm here to tell you I have officially went bonkers so call that Paddy Wagon!

Anyways, I did some rock face and stone work in the gorge and surrounding areas. Before that I used carved extruded foam. It was fine but I wasn't satisfied with it. To be fair it was my first time carving it. Well I put up with it for about 6 or 7 years but was time for a change, so I masked it over with rock molds and plaster. The pics show the initial stage with foam with contours, then foam and plaster cloth, and finally the rock molds and carved plaster.  Yes I made a royal mess but don't judge me, lol. There are still a few gaping holes that I need to fill in before painting can begin. Even with all of this work I am about 95% sure I am going to knock out the right side and put Pennsylvania Railroad style retaining walls in that section. I believe this is the only place on the layout where I can do this and people will notice. I simply did not think of it prior to doing the rock face there.

Also, I cut out a river under the large truss bridge. I had been considering doing this since I installed the bridge but hesitated because I wasn't sure what type of structures I would put in that area. When it was all said and done I didn't want to have a large bridge that did not have some type of waterway under it. So here is the beginning stages of that.

Lastly, I installed the second of two draw bridges today and also adjusted some flex track in the 2 Rail room. Trains were running fine in that section but I wanted to insure a smoother run by making  a simple adjustment before scenery and ballasting. With both draw bridges I have to get something to allow for the bridges to stay up when you lift them. I will use steel cable and crimp ferrules for the first one but the second one I'm not sure because it will fall back in place if you were to lift it and let it go. Because of the scenery behind it I can't let it go all the way back and use steel cable. Any suggestions for that one would be very much appreciated. Until then I will be the D.K. (Ducking King). Pics of the draw bridges will be uploaded tomorrow. I'm tired yall! Good Night!


Gorge [foundation of foam shaved)

Gorge [with plaster cloth)

Gorge [with plaster cloth II)

Gorge [with carved rock)

Retaining Wall [left side with plaster cloth)

Retaining Wall [right side with plaster cloth)

Retaining Wall [left side with rock carving)

Retaining Wall [right side with rock carving)

River [first cut)

River [bed in installed)




Images (10)
  • Gorge (foundation of foam shaved)
  • Gorge (with plaster cloth)
  • Gorge (with plaster cloth II)
  • Gorge (with carved rock)
  • Retaining Wall (left side with plaster cloth)
  • Retaining Wall (right side with plaster cloth)
  • Retaining Wall (left side with rock carving)
  • Retaining Wall (right side with rock carving)
  • River (first cut)
  • River (bed in installed)
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Hi Dave, what a fantastic looking layout you have going up.  I've showed some of the shots to my wife and she was really impressed with what you have done.  She really liked your scenery starting from the floor with the bridges going overhead.  I thought they were awesome.   Your track plan is really nice too, it gives you running space and even some operation in it.  Keep up the great work and please keep us updated, I really like what you have done.

Dave, I wrote my first post off of Page 1 because I had just discovered your post about your layout.  Now I'm finished with page 5 and I have to tell you, you've done a tremendous amount of work in a very short time over the last few months or so, you've done so much it made me tired reading all of it and I ended up dozing off for a while.  Just kidding, the reading is fantastic and your ideas are very creative.  I wish I had your energy.  Your scenery work is impeccable and I really love your rock work.  I hope, once you get everything up and running, you will post some videos.  Also, I may have missed it or just forgot that I read about it but what type of control systems will you be using?  I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your layout as you progress.  Thank you so much for your posts and photos, you have really given a lot of inspiration to many of us.  I almost forgot, I love your benchwork and I agree with another member, it has a very professional look to it, your woodworking skills show in many ways.  Cheers and happy modeling.

J. Motts posted:

Dave, I wrote my first post off of Page 1 because I had just discovered your post about your layout.  Now I'm finished with page 5 and I have to tell you, you've done a tremendous amount of work in a very short time over the last few months or so, you've done so much it made me tired reading all of it and I ended up dozing off for a while.  Just kidding, the reading is fantastic and your ideas are very creative.  I wish I had your energy.  Your scenery work is impeccable and I really love your rock work.  I hope, once you get everything up and running, you will post some videos.  Also, I may have missed it or just forgot that I read about it but what type of control systems will you be using?  I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your layout as you progress.  Thank you so much for your posts and photos, you have really given a lot of inspiration to many of us.  I almost forgot, I love your benchwork and I agree with another member, it has a very professional look to it, your woodworking skills show in many ways.  Cheers and happy modeling.

Good Morning JEM! Your kind words were nice to wake up to and motivate me. To answer your question I run MTH DCS and Lionel Legacy for 3 Rail and for my 2 Rail section I use NCE. I also have the capability to run conventionally.

I do plan to post videos and will include links as I do so.

I can take the credit for many things on the layout but I can't for my bench work. I had help with that from a wonderful "train guy" in my area. The more time passes I realize how much I took it for granted. There is so much that can be done with it and I'm starting to do just that.

Welcome aboard and tell your wife I said hello.


Last edited by luvindemtrains

Good Afternoon Guys and Gals,

I made some more progress on the layout and yes I started another project. Of course nothing is finished but I'm getting there. 

More work was continued on the river/creek under the bridge. I show each step from the bare rock work  through the final painting. I have since touched up the retaining wall to cover a few unnatural  marks, such as the big circle where I was going to put a larger drainage pipe. I also have begun to experiment with trees along side the river and have added some ground cover. The final pictures for this post, show the waterway with rock and talus in it. The only thing left to do is add water. 

I also show where I am with the gorge, from the bare rock work through the installation of trees and undergrowth. I may add more trees later but the next step for this section is rock/talus in the river bed and water. I also decided to paint the arch under bridge black. It really "pops" in this scene. I will eventually weather both the truss and arch bridge.

Finally, I show the stone arch bridge I am building as an approach to the large bridge. The first step was to carve the foam to shape. I can now paint, cut, and attach the stone work. I originally had a girder style bridge here but decided to change it. Steel can and has been bent to accommodate curves on a bridge. It can, however, compromise the integrity of the structure. My section will represent a well thought out form of engineering. 

As always if you have any suggestions or advise on anything you see please don't hesitate to let me know. It's because of your ideas and posts that I regularly get inspiration. 


River Banks and Concrete Wall #4

River Banks and Concrete Wall #3

River Banks and Concrete Wall #2

River Banks and Concrete Wall #1

Concrete Wall #1

Trees and Empty River #1

Trees and Empty River #2

Trees and Empty River #4

River Bed with rocks and talus

Stone Bridge #1

Gorge Redo #2

Gorge Redo #4

Gorge Redo #3 Close Up


Images (13)
  • River Banks and Concrete Wall #4
  • River Banks and Concrete Wall #3
  • River Banks and Concrete Wall #2
  • River Banks and Concrete Wall #1
  • Concrete Wall #1
  • Trees and Empty River #1
  • Trees and Empty River #2
  • Trees and Empty River #4
  • River Bed with rocks and talus
  • Stone Bridge #1
  • Gorge Redo #2
  • Gorge Redo #4
  • Gorge Redo #3 Close Up
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Dave,   exceptional transformation of that area,  great work ! 

 I like the transition from stone to the retaining wall next to the tracks,  the bridges and placement of the trees really add a lot of depth to the whole scene.   

I would never have thought to add the flowering trees, in the foreground, but they definitely add to the scene.  thanks for sharing the details and the step by step photos, it's great to see it from start to finish.  

chris a posted:

Dave,   exceptional transformation of that area,  great work ! 

 I like the transition from stone to the retaining wall next to the tracks,  the bridges and placement of the trees really add a lot of depth to the whole scene.   

I would never have thought to add the flowering trees, in the foreground, but they definitely add to the scene.  thanks for sharing the details and the step by step photos, it's great to see it from start to finish.  


Thanks for taking the time to comment on my progress. I have much more to do in the area but wanted to take "baby steps" before I went all in. Sometimes the concept in our mind doesn't transform into reality well but I actually am not going crazy, lol. 

I really like seeing posts like yours and others, when the process is shown. I actually need that to duplicate or create my version of. I decided when possible, I would "teach" through pics and descriptions. When I get some time I also will post vids of my progress...I'm really bad at it but see how great it is when others do it. 

Also, I have been trying to find the post where you painted the pre-fabricated retaining walls. I would like to experiment with this.


mike g. posted:

Dave, the gorge looks Amazing! I remember back when it was just a window behind the layout! Is that just pink foam carved and painted?

Thank you much Mike! I used pink foam as subterrain and did some shaping. I then covered with plaster cloth and added rock molds over that. Between the rock molds I used plaster, which had to be carved to blend with the molds. Once that's done color and add the toppings (ground cover, trees, etc). 

I can tell it's lunch time, my stomach just growled at the last sentence I wrote. Anywho, I plan to do a video on this technique...but it's pretty simple.


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