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Hi all,

First of all, I just to say thank you to all of the people whom I've met or worked with on these forums. Everyone has been wonderful and have really helped get me pointed in the right direction in regards to our layout and train endeavors. I was a bit intimidated at first when I started reading these forums, but everyone has been great and made me comfortable enough to post.


Alright, second and to the real question. After Christmas, I'm going to be expanding our layout to about 100+ linear feet of o-27 profile track with the possibility of two train operation down the line, but for the start, more likely just one at a time on a big U shaped loop and sidings. Not too many ancillary's like lights, operating accessories, etc, but maybe down the line as well.

Currently I have a PW V transformer that has worked well since my grandfather bought it for me back in the 80's. Just recently had it serviced and was told everything looked great and has been running our 4x8 setup now.

My question is, realistically, will I need to add/upgrade a transformer? Most of our trains will be conventional, PW/MPC engines with 1 MTH PS1 thrown in. I have one TMCC engine but have been running it in conventional as I do not have any command/control.

I look at Z's, KW's, ZW's and wonder, are those "Nice to Have" or "Need to Have" for what we are looking to do, and at what point do I look at upgrading to something "better". What is overkill? I know I could go to a Z4000 and just be done, but for where we are at financially, that is out of the picture. At end of the day, my three year old, my two week old and me playing  with trains in the basement. If I do need to get a transformer, it is going to be something we are going to have to save for so I want to make sure I make a fairly good decision now with this so I can plan.

Thank you all for your careful consideration and input.

Ed, Henry, & Oliver


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For single train operation, the V is just fine.  Its rated at 150 watts.  More than enough for postwar/modern train running.  Adding more track does not mean you need a bigger transformer.  You just need more power feeds to the track.  When you start running multiple trains from the same transformer, then you may need to get more power.  Postwar trains will draw more power than modern ones.  Pullmor motors are no where near as efficient as the can motors of today. 

As your layout grows, I would get a bigger transformer for the track, and move the V to power all your accessories.  You can run a fairly large amount of accessories off that transformer.  If you only ever run two trains at one time, the V should perform well without having to upgrade anytime soon.

With the price of postwar transformers dropping all the time, I would consider a postwar zw as an upgrade.  They can be had for under $200 and it will give you whistle and direction control built in.

When using a large transformer like a "V", I suggest adding external circuit breakers to each of the hot posts that are in use. I mean the "A", "B", "C", and "D" posts.

There are two reasons:
1 - the internal circuit breaker is there to protect the transformer. A lot of current can flow before it trips, and sometimes it never does. Wires can get hot enough to melt insulation and burn anybody who is unfortunate enough to touch them while they are hot.

2 - the internal circuit breaker only protects circuits that include the common terminals ("U"). It is possible to have a short across two of the hot posts that would not be protected.

Since you have two locomotives with electronics (even though you use them in conventional mode), adding TVS surge protectors would be a good idea too.

There are many choices for protection, and there have been many threads on the subject.


   Here is how I look at your situation, sooner or later your boys are going to want to run more than one Remote Control operated engine, probably a couple at the same time.  IMO I would save my money and 1st purchase at least an old ZW,  Jim here on the OGR forum rebuilds them like brand new, I own 2 of his rebuild ZW's right now.  I always advise everybody to have enough power to expand, so if I were you I would save my money and purchase 2 old refurbished ZW's one for each boy.


Unless you plan to run dual motored locos the V should have enough ponies to run two trains and some lights.  However, as previously mentioned more power feeds will be in order.  And be sure to heed the above advice of Mr. C.W. Burfle, who is a very knowledgeable fellow.

If, down the road, you eventually find that you need more power you can add a good used LW or 1033.  This should prove to be the least expensive option.


If you are going to expand your power needs as far as a transformer is concerned the post war ZW is a good transformer, it has plenty of power(275 watts). The post war ZW has whistle and direction control for two of the four outputs(handles A and D), and like somebody else mentioned you should adds in circuit breakers to the A, B, C, and D terminals. 

If you just want a transformer with power then a post war Z transformer will do as it has four control knobs to supply four different tracks with power. However it too will need better circuit protection as the breaker inside is rated at 15 amps, you should add smaller breakers at each terminal post; A, B, C, and D.

Another transformer that is nice and has 2 train ability is the post war KW, 190 watts and has 3 accessory voltage outputs.

The LW or 1033 is a nice transformer but is only a one train transformer with accessory power(if I am correct).

Lee Fritz

1033 transformers were very popular and are quite common. They can be purchased for under thirty dollars in my area. The 1044 is an updated version of the 1033. The modern era 4090 is basically the same too.

My personal favorite single train transformer is the LW. They are more expensive.

If you are looking to purchase an additional transformer, and have the cash, I'd go for a ZW. 
Don't forget to add the external protection mentioned above.

With any used transformer purchase, be certain you are purchasing from a reputable person who will stand behind it. Any postwar transformer should be inspected (and repaired if necessary) before use.  They can be almost 70 years old.

Thank you all for the advice and suggestions. I do have the TVS on my V now as I saw on another thread. Circuit breakers are the next step. Sounds like in the short term, the V is still a great option for the layout in the near future. It is something I could never give up and will be involved in some way in the layout. Too much sentimental there.

At some point going to the LW's for each of the boys would be a great idea, maybe set up two loops for them so they can race each other! Get some real light weight MPC locos and see who can complete a circuit with their load intact. :-)

So, good news. I was pulling Christmas stuff out last night and found a box of stuff my dad gave me a few years ago. Inside was some ornaments, garland, and a very clean, almost new looking TW and a 1033 that is a bit rough around the edges and needs a new cord.

The TW was so nice I used it on the Christmas layout. 

Last edited by Aldovar

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