Big Mike,
Hope all is well with the construction of the new Train Room! As tot he wiring for DCS, sense you are building a new layout Build your layout in Blocks, no more than 10-13 Track joins per each block, no matter what track you are using. I know you are a visual learner so if you have the OGR video Guide to DCS, watch the Section on DCS wiring of layouts.
I use MTH Terminal Blocks and run wiring to the different parts of the layout, this is not hard Mike, it does take more wire than running in a Buss type wiring set up however. I use good 14 gauge Stranded wire with the Lionel Type Connecting mini line and slide on connectors for my FasTrack. Many people solder their 14 Gauge wire right to their Track, in fact if you do not have FasTrack, I would solder my connections, no need for doing it with FT however.
IMO it's important to build with the 10 - 13 Track join engineering per each block when wiring for DCS than most anything else. If you build in this manner you will be running the DCS 10 Track signal you want to achieve.
Further if you in the future you are going to add Legacy to your DCS layout, I would, put single Legacy drops on the opposite outside rail from your DCS wiring as you build your layout. This makes it real easy to add Legacy in the future.
Mike wiring is not tough, just time consuming. I also recommend you test as you build your layout.
If you need more detailed help, drop me some e-mial or call me you have my phone number.