The Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) volunteer Officers and Board of Directors are in Boston in preparation for our 45th Annual Convention to be held at the Double Tree Hotel in Danvers MA July 20-25. Last night the LCCA members were invited to the Boston Metro Hi-Railers Club (BMHRC) to run trains on their marvelous layout. Here are a few photos taken last evening. The LCCA's Switching Tracks Traveling Boxcar made a special guest appearance on this great layout currently under construction. Thank you Bob Freeman and the entire BMHR club for your hospitality and friendship. The BMHR club is scheduled to be one oft he tours planned for our convention in July. I am certain the LCCA and BMHRC will be doing a lot more activities together in the future. It was a fun evening running Lionel trains with great people on a fantastic layout! It doesn't get any better than this!
Al Kolis