I want to put some LED lights in the top of an Engine Shed, 24" long x 10" wide x 11" high. Electrical is not my strong suit. I don't have any of the materials so I will start from scratch. I "assume" that I can use my 14-16v accessory power as my source. I want to hook up a switch to turn on/off. Any help would be appreciated.
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Check out Evans Designs web site, they have a bunch of different color LED's you can get in three sizes that will work in your voltage range. Three MM is a good size, if you want some on the roof, You can get some RED flashing LED's. Since your shed is so big just remember to buy the ones with 14" leads, they are only 10 cents more....
To light the building inside, If you have a 12 volt tap,you can simply make a DC buss with a bridge rectifier. Premade LED lighting strips will run on 12 volt DC input. Many posts here on them on the Forum.
Here is a link with pics of them used for passenger cars,at least how I do it. Buildings are easier all you need as I mentioned is to make a buss with a bridge,no capacitor or use a single bridge on each building. Make sure you buy warm white, not cool white unless you like a harsh tone lighting. Amber is also available. You can get the strips on the Bay and Amazon
Some posts here using individual LEDs also
Dale H
Member Laidoffsick detailed some nice lamps that he made for a roundhouse with the shade. It was the shade, an LED with leads and some brass tubing. You can use the led the power supply that gunrunnerjohn makes sold through henning's Trains. That should keep things simple for you.
What type of lighting fixtures do you want to model?