It seems as though when I want to power up a track, isolated from other tracks, I address it as 'TR' then # 1 in this case, a named train appears at the top of the screen. I run my Lionel Blue Comet on this loop, amongst others, and its name appears on the top line of Cab 2. No matter what engine I have run, every time I address that track, the Blue Comet name appears at the top line, and the engine number sometimes in the space beneath the top name. It also happens on another track 'TR' #2, with a different engine I used on that track. I don't have a problem running engines, the name appears as normal, it's just when I first address those tracks, these names appear, even if I haven't used that engine in a while. I have a 'TR' 3, when addressed, nothing appears. Did I somehow NAME my TR??...BTW, if possible, I didn't know you could do that..
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