Does anyone know when the legacy Consolidations are shipping? I haven’t heard really anything about them and I was just curious as sto when they’d be arriving! Thanks!
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Charles Ros website says an eta of 9/10/22.
If that holds true. They should start reaching buyers by the end of September beginning of October.
You have to wait until September and see if dealers push back the eta.
Yesterday I received an email from MrMuffins Trains that payment is due for my 2-8-0.
Have they hit stores yet? Cant wait to see them.
I talked to Ryan Kunkle from Lionel this past Tuesday they arrived at Lionel so they will be shipping out this coming week or the next if they haven't already started shipping.
Just a heads up I got an invoice from Trainworld so I assume they're here since they charged me.
I think I saw that Pat's Trains got their NKP and B&O custom runs in, so the rest shouldn't be far behind. Waiting on my Maine Central from Charles Ro.
Here is the Nassau Hobby 2-8-0 for your viewing pleasure.
I'll wait to see a video running in Legacy control before I pull the trigger.
Not mine....Found this on YouTube
I received my Santa Fe 2-8-0 today from Charles Ro. Opened the box to check for damage (none!) is all I had time for but I sure like the look of it.
It is my first Legacy steam engine so looking forward to seeing it in action.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:I'm perfectly happy with my H10 2-8-0 from a couple years ago.
That was then. I've been bit twice by Lionel in the last few years. One was a steam switcher with a quasi Legacy (BMC?) install. It was reported that it ran fast. The other was a steam locomotive that was so bad that Lionel sent all back to China for rework. I sent mine back too late, so it wasn't repaired. I didn't have any financial loss on either of these, but I'm not risking it again. I left both of those failures in boxes, unpacked, until I knew they were good and they were not.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:I'm perfectly happy with my H10 2-8-0 from a couple years ago.
But....have you shimmed that gear on the secondary shaft??😐
I spoke to Pat (Patrick’s Trains, Wheeling West Virginia) a few hours ago today and the B&O 2-8-0 Consolidation is there, I paid the bill and he will be shipping soon. I’m excited and hope this locomotive works on arrival. Happy Railroading Everyone
@RickO posted:But....have you shimmed that gear on the secondary shaft??😐
I just double-head them to minimize the wear.
@Soo Line posted:Not mine....Found this on YouTube
Oh goody, another 19th-century steamer with a radio in the cab
@Cheap&NothingWasted posted:Oh goody, another 19th-century steamer with a radio in the cab
The engineer has a walkie-talkie.
@Soo Line posted:Not mine....Found this on YouTube
Watched this video. Thanks to Soo Line for posting. Looks like not only is there a flickering firebox glow, but it also causes flickering of the tender back up light. I also, and maybe it’s not as noticeable in person as on this video, noticed the overly bright front marker lights made the loco more look more like an approaching UFO than a steam train. My .02
The flickering of the taillight is an artifact of the video process, you don't really see that in person.