Originally Posted by Scrapiron Scher:
This discussion was held ad infinitum about the "usability" of the app. It tethers you to the IPad because you cannot control your loco functions, speed most importantly, independent of the power source. The app can be used in a fixed location so that one hand touches switches and tracks, but the other hand must control your remote or transformer.
For goodness sakes, here is the perfect example of a technology advance really being retrograde motion. It is really only useful in its fixed position. That being the case, how is it really an advance? The entire purpose of Legacy remote/DCS remote is portability to follow your train. Here, some tech savvy person, wants a tech heavy "advance" to entice someone to a better paradigm. It is really backwards.
The basic functions of the locomotive ARE able to be controlled by the App. Speed, Direction, Couplers, Horn, Bell, unique dialog triggers (not even possible with Cab-2), and more on the way. The LCS app remembers the: locomotive selection (ID), Yard/Road mode selection (Yard mode is patented), and even send TMCC or Legacy Commands as needed by reading the loco type information set in the Cab-2.
The speed controls are so networked, the throttle setting on the iPad screen changes when you change the Cab-2 remote throttle, and conversely when you change the speed on the iPad screen, the Cab-2 updates the speed graph.
Not sure I get your understanding Scrapiron, but you can sure email me with questions anytime. We also will update the app about the time the hardware interface ships, and the functionality will only improve. While not for everyone, the interest has been surprising to me. The questions we are getting, and download stats, indicate this type of technology has a use.