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I bought mine a year ago  -- premier set-- and my LHS told me to be careful handling and try not to touch the lights.  He said that causes most issues (fragile).  Not sure what is causing  your flickering, but you may want to have a tech look at it.  I have one car that works perfect except it shorts out everything when I run it in reverse.  Go figure.  My LHS said it's probably a rectifier.  It's going in the shop for repair after Christmas is over.

Last edited by IRON HORSE

Those Christmas light on the cars and loco are so sweet. Every time I go to a hobby shop that has one I drool over it. Yet at the same time I am thinking .....What happens when those lights have issues? Who will repair? Where will replacement parts come from? After warranty is up MTH wants nothing to do with it. Then I leave the hobby shop with money in my pocket. I hope you get your issues fixed. Again, really nice when working as it is supposed to.

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