I have four Lionel LionChief Plus locos, which I just love. I have been waiting for Lionel to offer LC+ in a higher quality diesel and a modern diesel. Well, Pats Trains had a great discount on an MTH SD70 set with the DCS remote commander, so I ordered the set. I received the set yesterday, and am happy to report that as expected, there is absolutely no problems or interference with running both systems on the same track at the same time. I provided power to the rails through the MTH infrared receiver. The LC+ locos worked normally regardless of the DCS signals on the rails for the MTH loco. On my Cisco RR layout featured in the latest OGR with Fastrack O-36 and O-48 curves.
A short comparative review between the MTH loco and LC+ locos: - not great; + excellent; ++ very excellent
Price/value: MTH set: ++ LC+ locos: +
Smoke: MTH: ++ LC+: + Actually too much MTH smoke!
sound: MTH: ++ LC+: + MTH PS 3.0 sound is fabulous compared with excellent LC+ sound.
speed steps: MTH: ++ LC+: + MTH has more speeds steps with finer levels of control
Remote: MTH: + LC+: ++ LC+ fits better in the hand, the speed dial is more natural
Infrared: MTH: - LC+: + MTH infrared controller must be pointed line-of-sight, which is a distraction.
Detail: MTH: ++ LC+: + More details on the MTH loco
Painting MTH: ++ LC+: ++ Excellent on both models
Overhang MTH: - LC+: + The MTH SD70 is a large/long loco. The frame overhang is OK, but the TRUCK overhand on curves is silly. Due to the decision to leave the inmost wheelset/axle flangeless, the trucks stick out grotesquely on curves.
Speed control MTH: ++ LC+: ++ Excellent constant speed holding for both, good momentum effects on both.
Lighting: MTH: + LC+: + Good lighting effects: MTH alternating ditch lights: LC+ cab lights and flickering firebox.
Overall, I am very happy with all of these locos, and with command control locos at a modest price. I recommend both without reservation. Tons of fun with both systems!! -Ken