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In 1940, with some fanfare, Lionel introduced Magic Electrol with its "New, Sensational Mystery Motor".  Outfit 1061 was an 0-27 outfit with two trains.  It would also be cataloged the next two years.

Lionel also cataloged, very stealthily I feel, an 0 gauge switcher, 201, which had the Magic Electrol feature.  But as far as I can tell, Lionel never offered an 0 gauge outfit showcasing two trains running simultaneously.

Does anyone know of any set that included the 201?  Cataloged or otherwise?

If not, the 201 would be one of only a very few locomotives which were cataloged for separate sale but were never included in a set.

Any guesses as to why there was no 0 gauge set?  Was it because the Magic Electrol eliminated the possibility of a whistle in the accompanying set?   Your comments are invited.


Original Post

Don, I can not answer your questions about locos not included in sets.  But I have a little experience with the 227 series of locos. The slug relay used for Magic Electrol reversing is the same relay used for teledyne uncoupling. My guess why this was tried in the prewar switchers is that there is not enough room in the slope back tenders for whistles. Most were equipped with bells, which were turned on and off manually. In my experience neither the remote reversing or the remote uncoupling is as gratifying as the air whistle. My guess is that Lionel learned this with the switchers, as they offered the semi scale 0-6-0 o-gauge switcher with both Magic Electrol reversing, teledyne coupling, and neither feature, so they could gauge the interest in these features.  Since neither feature was ever offered after the war, they may have learned the play value just was not there. 

Last edited by David Johnston

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