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SGP posted:
Maxrailroad posted:


I am not sure how to feel about that myself, but I think that is an appropriate reaction.

Haha I got a good laugh out of those in the catalog they're my demographic and so is Dave's humor is always entertaining. Just what I needed.

But in all seriousness, I'm ready for those LCS accessories. It's going to be a game changer for those DZ-2500s I use. I just need to find out if I can use something more than the LCS iPad app for a larger layout. Wonder if those LCS partners can work well with those?

Landsteiner posted:

"Online catalog vs show 2 different versions.  Sure hope the catalog version (second photo) is the one that gets made."

You are in luck, it's likely two sides of one car.  Different paintings on each side.

Guess the roof color is split right down the middle.

I plan on ordering the #3981 coal fired UP Challenger, black aux tender, 1 set of the Lionscale boxcars, the express boxcars, the matching caboose, both the black & green Southern Mountains, the NYC & PFE freight sounds refers and all the Southern passenger cars.

I had thought about the PA1's as I had said a few days or so ago, but I'm going to pass. They will be back I'm sure. I also am passing on the funeral train. I do like the engine and the cars, but I'm not into a funeral train as yet. The bunk cars, tool cars and kitchen cars are not for me.

One other thing, the Southern Pacific passenger cars I thought about, but I don't have any Southern Pacific engines. That will be something hopefully to remedy in the future like a bunch of other things.

You know, in Ryan's Challenger video, it seemed at times his voice was almost cutting out, or maybe just the way he was speaking. I guess I will have to crank up the volume a bit more so I can catch those small things he was stating at the start and end of his sentences. The clowny Challenger actually looked better in the video and in the catalog compared to the oopsie online store post, I don't get why. Don't worry, still not ordering one of those. Give me the '49er streamlined and you'll see me smile.

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

Joe Fermani posted:

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

you want scale but accept that oversized monster claw.  Convert to Kadee, problem solved.

superwarp1 posted:
Joe Fermani posted:

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

you want scale but accept that oversized monster claw.  Convert to Kadee, problem solved.

Unfortunately, that is not a real world solution. Most of us were very satisfied with Lionel's industry leading die cast sprung trucks and couplers with hidden uncoupling tabs and could care less about the so called "lobster claws" that Lionel has been offering for its entire history. I have hundreds of Lionel freight and passenger cars and have exactly zero interest in converting any to Kadees. Suspect many others feel the same way. 


Going through the catalog there was nothing of interest to me that would work on my late 1940s PRR based layout.  Then I turned to the page with the MoW cars and saw several ones painted gray.  For about two seconds I got very excited until I saw the PRR ones were yellow*.  Oh well.  Continued through the catalog and didn't see anything I needed.

*The Pennsy painted its MoW cars Battleship Gray with black trucks and grab irons from 1937 to 1953, when it started painting them Camp Car Yellow.  Many of its MoW cars remained gray into the 1960s.

Joe Fermani posted:

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

Joe  - yes the dumb tack couplers are an issue, however did you see the Automobile box cars ... they seemed to have the older trucks (we) desire?

Well Hein sight is 20/20 and I purchased a bunch of older trucks with the hidden coupler tabs for just such an emergency!

Image result for fortunately i keep my feathers numbered

J Daddy posted:
Joe Fermani posted:

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

Joe  - yes the dumb tack couplers are an issue, however did you see the Automobile box cars ... they seemed to have the older trucks (we) desire?

Well Hein sight is 20/20 and I purchased a bunch of older trucks with the hidden coupler tabs for just such an emergency!

Image result for fortunately i keep my feathers numbered

I missed the automobile boxcars. I will check them out. Thanks!

Joe Fermani posted:
J Daddy posted:
Joe Fermani posted:

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

Joe  - yes the dumb tack couplers are an issue, however did you see the Automobile box cars ... they seemed to have the older trucks (we) desire?

I missed the automobile boxcars. I will check them out. Thanks!

Zoom in. The 50’ boxcars have tacks. I was hoping they weren’t there either, but....


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  • mceclip0
Last edited by Rider Sandman
shorling posted:

Well Lionel made me happy.  I preordered the Legacy  CV RS11.  I had the CV on order from Weaver just before they folded.  The CV ran by my wife’s family cottage on Pine Lake Shores in Eagleville, CT.  The lake and cottage are already on my layout and soon the CV will again begin memorable service.

I definitely like RS11s.  Have the first one Lionel did in New York Central.  I might take a second look at them.

ecd15 posted:
irish rifle posted:

 about the so called "lobster claws" that Lionel has been offering for its entire history.

Um, I don't think is entirely accurate.  I believe there were other types of couplers on Lionel equipment before the "lobster claws" became the standard.

Bob - Since at least 1950, the "lobster claw" couplers have been used by Lionel. You could be correct with respect to some prior period in Lionel's history... 


The N&W K-2 definitely got my attention; another nice way to properly use the USRA Mountain running gear.

3rd rail has done this loco (with TMCC?). Seems like there was a road test on it some time back. The "Baby J" has always appealed to me. The looks of the J without the length.

(You know that this means that the N&W Railroad actually invented the RailKing line a million years ago, don't you?)

Last edited by D500
MartyE posted:
eddie g posted:

Looking at this catalog, I think the end is near.

Another catalog, another prediction of Lionels demise. What is this now Eddie, 15 or 16 catalogs you’ve predicted this. I guess sooner or later you’ll be right. Lol. 

But Marty, he didn't specify who the end was near for! 

I'll buy all the new Hallowe'en product (including the flashy diesel), the LCS accessories (a game changer in many ways), auto carriers, and a trackside accessory or two.

I WOULD HAVE ordered the multi-color Challenger (the fantasy schemes SCREAM "Take me home!" to me) but I just can't run the large locs - giving them a decent work-out - on my new layout.    That loc is drop-dead gorgeous.

Freight car Quality - gone cheap and lost their way. Many loose, unglued parts. Clear truck spacers on one, not the other and so on.

I'll stick with MTH's later designed hidden un-coupler trucks with air hoses at a lower cost.

Nice to see scale work cars, but I have made them all. 15 years to late for me. And finally, someone decided to offer a black & yellow SCL diesel in O after all these years. Good job! Maybe MTH will catch on?

Last edited by SIRT
ed h posted:
Landsteiner posted:

"Online catalog vs show 2 different versions.  Sure hope the catalog version (second photo) is the one that gets made."

You are in luck, it's likely two sides of one car.  Different paintings on each side.

Guess the roof color is split right down the middle.

Maybe the one is a separate offering for on-line?

I can't see those 2 being the same car either.


Last edited by Dave45681

While I like the general look for the Disney Mickey Mouse 90th Birthday (or Anniversary) items, I would have liked them a lot more if they, I don't know - maybe - actually had a reference to the 90th anniversary for which they are being produced somewhere on the graphics?

I am sure there is some marketing reason (or maybe even a Disney reason - who knows?) they did not do that, but it seriously takes away from the items IMO.  Maybe they are preparing for making some quantity that they are unlikely to sell in one year right around the event and therefore wanted to keep the year off so it doesn't seem as much like "old stock" in a few years?


Last edited by Dave45681
rthomps posted:

I'll buy all the new Hallowe'en product (including the flashy diesel), the LCS accessories (a game changer in many ways), auto carriers, and a trackside accessory or two.

I WOULD HAVE ordered the multi-color Challenger (the fantasy schemes SCREAM "Take me home!" to me) but I just can't run the large locs - giving them a decent work-out - on my new layout.    That loc is drop-dead gorgeous.

I ordered the "bat wing" RS-11 today, still considering the station sounds + two pack #3 Halloween passenger cars. If Lionel ever does a smaller version (Lionmaster or LC+) of this love it or hate it fantasy UP challenger, you can count me in.

Also, the 90th Mickey/Disney set is showing lots of interest at my local hobby shop.




Rider Sandman posted:
Joe Fermani posted:
J Daddy posted:
Joe Fermani posted:

Overall, a good catalog.  Not much in there for me but thats ok.  Wallet could use a rest.  I like the new sound cars - kitchen and freight sounds.  But I see Lionel is still committed to using the new thumb tack couplers.  I have an issue with scale equipment that has a thumb tack.  To me it ruins the look of the car.  Thumb tacks are fine for the traditional line but I wish the older trucks would come back for the scale items.  The hybrid is nice and so is the new Vision Engine.  I did not see any new features for the vision engine.  Isn't that the purpose of the vision line?

Joe  - yes the dumb tack couplers are an issue, however did you see the Automobile box cars ... they seemed to have the older trucks (we) desire?

I missed the automobile boxcars. I will check them out. Thanks!

Zoom in. The 50’ boxcars have tacks. I was hoping they weren’t there either, but....


Oh No! you are right! well that is a bummer... Hmm, I am going to have to get on my Kadee hat then … cause on my layout these tacks are the first to go!

50 ft automobile2


Image result for I say hey boy fog horn leg horn your about to test the limits of my medication




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  • 50 ft automobile2
Paultrainguy posted:

J Daddy,  Look at the features on the UP Water Tender, Crew talk sounds for service, refueling and freightsounds when in motion.  That my guess why it $500.00.

I did watch the Dave and Ryan show as they rolled out the catalog... Which I VERY much appreciated- thanks guys! 

However 500.00 is a bit high? I may have to be content with the older release...

Is the PA B unit with the super base just a dummy as well? This one is 500.00 too, and I fear I will just have to pony up...

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