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I'm wanting enough information to make my own version of the Lionel 6-14191 cable. I could not find a pin out on the Lionel site, just simply the information that the red wire is DAT and the green wire is COM. There is nothing  (that I can find) which says which pins in the DB-9 connector the red and green are connected to. That is the information I'm hoping someone else has: which pin on the DB-9 does the red wire (DAT) connect to and which pin does the green wire (COM) connect to.

LegacyTMCC cable

Is this what you need? The upper cable is the one that connects the TMCC base to the Legacy base if desired and the bottom one is just the DB9 to a TPC which shows the red and black (and green) wires. It's the 6-14192 cable. The TPC only receives...the 6-14191 only has a red and green wire.


Images (1)
  • LegacyTMCC cable
Last edited by cjack

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