i have had my GP 30 for 6-76 months now. i have had no issues with it at all. was running the other night and all of a sudden it lost its sound and started smoking but not out of the stack. shut everything down. pulled the engine off the track to the work bench. pulled the cab off to find the vertical board in the middle of the engine had burnt I'm guessing a capacitor on the top right side along with the jumper next to it. it was a little wet inside of the engine, but not to the point of dripping wet. i cleaned and dried all of the boards and components inside and outside. i knew with the burn cap that some items wouldn't work. put it back on the track and every ran great other than no sound. this vertical board is it a part of the sound board along with the horizontal board under it? Since this board is now not work, is there a after market board to replace it to be as good or better and what other mods would be necessary to change or better to just replace with Lionel? we run all legacy if that makes any difference. any help or advise would be appreciated.