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Has anyone purchased the subject rolling stock to add to a consist of the previously-issued Lionel UP rotary gondolas?  If so, does the paint finish of the gondolas in the 82674 2-pack match the finish of the 17447 3-pack, 17464, 17488 3-pack and 27827 gondolas?  Although I understand ambient lighting can make a reflective surface appear dull in a photograph, actual pics of the 2016 versions I have viewed show a flat grey versus the silver metallic finish of the 2003, 2004 and 2009 versions.   I don't have physical access to inspect the product, and the online vendor doesn't have any old stock to compare.



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While I do not have any of the cars you mentioned above, I did just get my Detroit Edison 2 pack set the other day.  The paint is a dull grayish silver.  The orange ends are even a dark orangish red. Not what I was expecting. Compared to my earlier MTH coal porters (DETX) - they are way more dark/dull.  The MTH ones I have sound a lot like what you describe above for the earlier Lionel UP sets.  Now I know that this is comparing different manufacturers.  But if you can compare your previous sets to any MTH ones - that might help you get an idea of what you might be dealing with here.  I can upload side by side pics if that will help you.  Won't be till I get back home later today though.

They kinda grow on ya after awhile and I like them alot now.  Thinking my other ones will need some weathering (there goes another task to the ever growing list!) and then I will have a great looking consist.

This is of course only my opinion.

It may be just a mix-up on the listing pics.  The two road numbers in the 6-82674 set are 28097 and 28103. hobbyspeed is breaking up the sets and shows the correct cars in individual BIN listings.  28097, by the way, is a duplicate road number from one of the previous 3-packs.  The product number on the individual box for the 28103 also is wrong, according to hobbyspeed. 


I have all the previously issued UP cars except one.  The two new cars match OK with silver body color but the yellow on the rotary ends are a much brighter yellow than the previous issued ones.  Also one car in the new two pack (28097) is a repeat of a number used in a previous release.  However the new one has just one rotary coupler, the older one had two with both ends of the car painted yellow. 

Looked again at previous releases compared to new ones and saw that the aluminum body colors weren't the same on the previously issued 3 car sets either. The new cars are the least reflective, the set produced in 2003 is a little more reflective, the set produced in 2009 was more reflective still.  It doesn't bother me as much as the same car number does.  The bright yellow ends on the new ones are not the color shown in Lionel's catalog.  As someone previously mentioned, the car numbers printed on the boxes are not the actual car numbers.  Lionel's response to the yellow paint, duplicate car number and wrong numbers on boxes was that the information would be forwarded to appropriate department.

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