LCCA Lionel 6-58509 and Lionel Patriot box car 6-36758. LCCA car has a flashing red ETD, On/Off switch is under the car.. Eye in the eagles are LEDs along with some of the stars on the Patriot car and LCCA car. John in Lansing, ILL
Isn't it amazing where this little semiconductor has taken us? I remember the first commercial red LED costing $10 and finally buying one at Radio Shack for $2 (I was making a buck forty an hour at Hobby House at the time). It was a pathetic red at that. I also remember when Cree developed the first blues at a mere $54 each.
My latest adventure in LED's was a PCB I laid out that was 1/16 x 2 inches x 1 mil thick and had 25 LED's on it. The LED's were 12 mil square, impossible to see with the naked eye. They were used in a process called photodynamic therapy. They activated an injected pharmaceutical thru a window catheter for prostate cancer.
I enjoy the latest in LED's. You can now get a truly accurate green for signals. And with the right code you can make truly realistic emergency vehicles.
Lou N