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To say that the Lionel Corporation was in "transition" during the 1960's is being kind, to say the least.

This stormy time reached it's nadir in 1967 when Lionel published no consumer catalog, filed for bankruptcy, and 

had an auction at it's Hillside factory.


The flyer for the auction stated that it was for the "machinery and equipment" used to manufacture products of the 

Lionel Toy Corporation. 


A question I have is were all the tools, machines etc used to manufacture trains part of this auction, and did not sell, or

was Lionel allowed to hold back the equipment needed to produce it's limited runs of 1968 and 1969 ?


MPC found what it needed to produce it's first lines from the Hillside factory, so I was curious as to just what was 

part of this auction.






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