So I have my family's old 1053 and RW type transformers, and want to use them. The RW I replaced the cord on. The variable posts on both of them are not functioning, but the fixed ones on the RW are. I opened them up so as to see the coils, and where the throttles make contact with the wire is worn out. When I say worn out, read that as flatter than a Polish pancake. So anyways, is this the cause of the bad variable posts? Is there anything I can do to fix this?
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I've never seen the secondary wear out before the wiper arms on the Type R. Can you post photos?
I will sometime in the next day or so. Is the arm pure copper, though? If it isn't, I might have some bad arms.
That wiper arm is copper' and known for getting loose. I would send it to Davis Lyons in Burlington NC. He fixed mine.
Is the arm pure copper, though? If it isn't, I might have some bad arms.
They are probably made of beryllium copper alloy.
Could you send me the contact information?
You have a couple of good transformers. If you wish to repair them yourself see (click on links):
Service documents and parts diagrams for each are here - RW Transformer and 1053 Transformer
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