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I have a 1993 lionel ac 9 that is a moderately good smoker.  If I use lionel premium smoke fluid will I get thicker white smoke.  I use JT fluid on the legacy  steamers and they smoke like crazy but this older engine has constant smoke but on my big layout 12 foot by 24 feet it is hard to see the smoke in many places as it is quite thin.  Thanks for any advice.

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Many of the older Lionel steamers are notoriously bad smokers.

While I am not familiar with that particular engine, most can be improved dramatically by such things as replacing the resistor with a lower value, and opening up the air passages.

That engine likely has a mechanical smoke unit. You could replace it with a newer fan driven unit and see a good improvement.

Maybe try a search for smoke unit modifications; there have been many threads on this.



Last edited by Rod Stewart
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