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I must say, that as a Erie purist, the color schemes other than Erie make me sick.  Yes, even the Virginian, which was a 2-8-8-8-4.  NOW, that being said and before anyone comes up with a genius statement.  I understand why Lionel is offering the color schemes, to attract to a wider audience and increase sales, smart on their part.  I have the MTH Triplex and love it.  It never leaves the layout.  I also have the LMB HO model which is a display item. But, I repeat as a Erie purist, the color schemes other than Erie Make me sick

@Norman R posted:

Paul – You give our forum friend Run A Muck Chuck advice that by adding horror themed elements to his layout he can run Halloween trains any time of the year. Then you show us pictures of that executed beautifully for your layout. Your character is true. After giving advice you can say “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”.

Yeah Norman; what you said!

Since my layout is a multi 'Holiday' seasonal layout, I have little choice but to remove the Halloween portion of the layout and replace it with Christmas.

Roughly half of my layout is more realistic and remains relatively unchanged theme, building wise with the change in holiday themes.

After about 6 months up, I break it all down and return the room to its' role as a dedicated music listening room.

This is all new to me as for years when contemplating setting up a layout, listening to music always won.  About 9 months ago I came across a product which I believed would provide the necessary support and compact storage I required for a temporary seasonal layout. The product is not perfect but so far I am satisfied with my decision despite a few quirks.

But back to your point Norman, I would like to see what Paul, or others have done if they leave Halloween aspects in their layout all year round.

Thanks Norman and Chuck. As an aside, I had noticed there's more variety in HO scale including some awesome monster/vampire figures, but if you hunt around you can find monster figures clost to O, e.g., Heroclix, actual sizes vary a bit. And I figure why should the HO guys have all the fun...after all, O-gaugers have the reputation for being silly, and I fit that bill . Anyway, my layout is mostly urban/industrial, and while I love the idea of a dedicated ghost area (still brainstorming on that) for now I am simply interjecting haunted & ghostly scenes as I detail buildings. Here's a couple more shots (figures by Heroclix and one Arttista zombie); the station on the left is mostly done, and plan to install a 2nd floor and put monster figures inside similar to what I did with the corner building. Interior lighting is always important, and if I was electrical-savvy I would install flashing circuits and sound effects/speakers, but for the immediate future they'll just have incandescent bulbs or LEDs. You can hardly see them, though if you look closely there's Lionel Zombie figures in the corner building. These will be better seen when I get power to this building (currently just has two small incandescent bulbs). It'd be great if Lionel released monster figures again.


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Last edited by Paul Kallus
@Paul Kallus posted:

Thanks Norman and Chuck. As an aside, I had noticed there's more variety in HO scale including some awesome monster/vampire figures, but if you hunt around you can find monster figures clost to O, e.g., Heroclix, actual sizes vary a bit. And I figure why should the HO guys have all the fun...after all, O-gaugers have the reputation for being silly, and I fit that bill . Anyway, my layout is mostly urban/industrial, and while I love the idea of a dedicated ghost area (still brainstorming on that) for now I am simply interjecting haunted & ghostly scenes as I detail buildings. Here's a couple more shots (figures by Heroclix and one Arttista zombie); the station on the left is mostly done, and plan to install a 2nd floor and put monster figures inside similar to what I did with the corner building. Interior lighting is always important, and if I was electrical-savvy I would install flashing circuits and sound effects/speakers, but for the immediate future they'll just have incandescent bulbs or LEDs. You can hardly see them, though if you look closely there's Lionel Zombie figures in the corner building. These will be better seen when I get power to this building (currently just has two small incandescent bulbs). It'd be great if Lionel released monster figures again.

I actually saw some monster figures here at York today by JT's Megasteam booth. I think underneath the Artista figures there.

@Norman R posted:

I was there today and saw an Artista O scale Sasquatch figure. But I didn't see any other creepy-type figures. Maybe the others were a near-instant sell-out.

Sasquatch was in the middle, and up a bit not at the bottom. The figures were at the very bottom on the pegs, and right of Sasquatch. Look again tomorrow, or better yet, ask.

Who is the chap in the engineers hat in Norm's graphic?

Could it be Matt Shay - the engineer of the first Triplex?

Good lead on the monster figures; that's one of the benefits of going to a train show and seeing the cottage industries that may not otherwise be in the mainstream. Lyme disease and stomach ulcers kept me out of the circuit this year...maybe next October...if I am still sucking air.

Last edited by Paul Kallus
@Paul Kallus posted:

Who is the chap in the engineers hat in Norm's graphic?

Could it be Matt Shay - the engineer of the first Triplex?

Good lead on the monster figures; that's one of the benefits of going to a train show and seeing the cottage industries that may not otherwise be in the mainstream. Lyme disease and stomach ulcers kept me out of the circuit this year...maybe next October...if I am still sucking air.

Paul, we need your whimsical yet realistic approach to modelling horror themes in O gauge. Take good care of yourself so you keep sucking air and flourish among the undead who walk the Earth.

@leapinlarry posted:

I saw the Ryan and Dave demo of this awesome new steamer, new to the Lionel line via the MTH buy out. With all of the new features, including the very realistic wheel slip effect, it’s going to be a Show Stopper/Crowd Pleaser on our layouts… I’m excited about this new creation by the Lionel Team. I’m an operator, not a rivet counter, just having fun with my friends in this great hobby…several of my friends have already ordered this new set?? It’s pricey but feature rich…. I’m in Incheon Korea sending this message… Happy Railroading Everyone

Hope you're enjoying Korea, Larry! Just pre-ordered the Super Set from Ro's Supply last night. And such a deal! Only a dollar!

Anyone else interested in a custom Halloween Triplex? It'd be the same as advertised in the brochure, but with a different name on the tender - current name is "Happy Halloween." The magic number we'd have to hit is 40. If enough people are interested, it's a possibility that Steve from Mr. Muffins could get this request to Lionel. Given that Lionel's past Legacy monster engines have used "End of the Line,", that's probably the best hope. Personally, I like "Graveyard Shift" but I'd go with the majority.

fyi, I don't have any other resource than this forum to reach other nuts like myself...but thought I'd float the idea. In all reality, I doubt even twenty people are reading this topic, lol. Last resort will be lacquer thinner and a custom decal.

Paul I am happy to see you asking about it.  l was afraid you already locked in your order for a customized Russian blue Triplex without the white trim.  With the horror elements in your layout the black and orange Eerie locomotive will be so much more in its element all year round. I hope you can dig up 39 more takers for a custom Triplex. It’s a great idea that makes the black and orange a year-round runner for everyone.

What I would really go for is the prototypical Virginian Triplex with the correct wheel configuration. This is something Lionel is not producing. I am really partial to Appalachian coal haulers. But since it is the wheel configuration that is different from the Eerie Triplexes rather than only the paint, I am under the impression that a custom run would cost more than many folks are willing to pay.

One has to admire your persistence Paul.

Please keep in mind that my comments are within the context of a temporary seasonal Holiday layout not a permanent layout.

For me though given the general white paint issues previously noted elsewhere and the sort of wimpy engine name so to speak, I decided to stick with the Halloween F-19 Pacific I already ordered and call it a day.  Truth be told IMO it is a much more sinister looking engine (at roughly half the price) especially with the graphics on the Vanderbilt tender.  For me that is the real Lionel scale Halloween offering.  

The Halloween Triplex by comparison is IMO an attempt to lure perhaps the likes of Eric Siegel to take the Halloween plunge since to my casual knowledge he has yet to order a holiday locomotive.  Perhaps the VL badge will change all that.  No offense Eric!

All the VL features including wheel slippage seems to me to be overkill and a waste of money for a holiday engine.

I typically don't run my trains in total darkness so the glow in the dark aspect would be more of a novelty for which $2,000+ is just too much for me to shell out.

Last edited by Former Member

Norman and Chuck, I understand your views. FWIW: I am a huge Appalachian RR fan and have a couple of O. Winston Link's books. I also have a couple DVDs of Howard Zanes superb Piermont Division HO scale model RR...fantastic is the best word to describe his Appalachian scenery. As you know, Appalachia further north. The wonderful mountainous stream valleys are heaven on Earth, at least to me. My favorite Railroads to model are the PRR, Erie, and Reading - all of which ran through some beautiful country, and I am fortunate to live near some of it.

Back to the Triplex. It was this model - MTH first made it around 2002 or so - that brought me over to the scale side (expensive side) of the hobby. I had seen it run on a friend's layout and from that point on I was blown away by its mechanical splendor and was hooked into scale (had been a traditional train dude). Currently, I have a Premier black Erie and a black Virginian Triplex that I double-head from time to time, though I have difficulty programming PS3.0 engines for lashups (a known problem with PS3 trains). I attached a video of them, below.

When Lionel first introduced Legacy around 2007 and the accompanying superb Railsounds, I had assumed, incorrectly, that they would make the Triplex in short order. Instead, it's been one iteration of the Big Boy and Challengers...neat engines but they don't hold a candle next to the Triplex in terms of mechanical brilliance; plus the Triplex looks so much better on O-72 curves - probably because it's not as long as the other ones, but it is one beast of a steam locomotive. With all of this background, you may be able to imagine my excitement that Lionel finally saw the light and decided to make the model. I still find Lionel's decision to go with so many versions with whitewalls bizarre and shortsighted; I have Erie Power by Westing and Staufer and pages 212-215 show versions with and w/o whitewalls. But as you know Steve came through for us with a custom run. I also have a picture of the Triplex - No. 5014 in action in Susquehanna PA that I purchased and framed some years ago. It hangs prominently, as do other steam era photographs, in my house . And there aren't no stinking white wheels of any kind on that machine

As for the Halloween version...I am glad that Lionel doesn't take itself too seriously. There's been so many people who have mocked the various fantasy scale engines Lionel has made, but in the end the venture must've proven profitable as they continue to crank them out. Yes, Chuck That F19 Pacific is one frightful beast!

Last edited by Paul Kallus
@Paul Kallus posted:

As for the Halloween version...I am glad that Lionel doesn't take itself too seriously. There's been so many people who have mocked the various fantasy scale engines Lionel has made, but in the end the venture must've proven profitable as they continue to crank them out. Yes, Chuck That F19 Pacific is one frightful beast!

Lionel has said that many times the fantasy schemes sell as well or better.  If it keeps them producing the other engines in that class then by all means produce the fantasy schemes!  As for the Halloween Tri-Plex I think they should have stuck with the "End of the Line" but that just my opinion

@Norman R posted:

Paul I am happy to see you asking about it.  l was afraid you already locked in your order for a customized Russian blue Triplex without the white trim.  With the horror elements in your layout the black and orange Eerie locomotive will be so much more in its element all year round. I hope you can dig up 39 more takers for a custom Triplex. It’s a great idea that makes the black and orange a year-round runner for everyone.

What I would really go for is the prototypical Virginian Triplex with the correct wheel configuration. This is something Lionel is not producing. I am really partial to Appalachian coal haulers. But since it is the wheel configuration that is different from the Eerie Triplexes rather than only the paint, I am under the impression that a custom run would cost more than many folks are willing to pay.

What I'd go for is the Russian Blue Triplex without the white trim.  I have no problem with Lionel producing fantasy paint schemes, but at least produce some that are prototypical!

I see you're OK with a prototypical Virginian Triplex, why not a prototypical Erie Triplex?

I do fantasy stuff, but I don't see spending $2,000 + on it.

Paul your enthusiasm for the Triplex is understandable and I would be the last one to say that it is not impressive running around the layout.  But for a seasonal layout  the engine would spend most of its' life in a box.  I do not decorate with or display trains.  It is the limitation of my situation driving my hesitation.

But I will say that upon further examination of the tender, the Triplex is quite a bit more sinister looking than I first gave it credit.  Given the limited space on the tender, while 'End of the Line' is a sensible suggestion, I doubt that it will fit.

Even nothing at all would be IMO better than Happy Halloween.  

Maybe you should start a new thread to get better exposure for your Halloween Triplex inquiry.

Last edited by Former Member

Thanks, guys, for your support on the Halloween name change. I think it's too late at this point, and my energy level is near depleted. Maybe Lionel will surprise us given the comments on the Trainworld show and this forum.

The Triplex is very sinister looking. It was a beast of a locomotive in real-life. Due to the smoke unit in the tender, this thing will set off smoke alarms. The only thing missing is a better sound system, kind of the case with MTH products in general. It does have the quilling whistle, but you have to press a soft key to enable, and it's not nearly as fun as the Cab II slider whistle.

@Norman R posted:

What I would really go for is the prototypical Virginian Triplex with the correct wheel configuration. This is something Lionel is not producing. I am really partial to Appalachian coal haulers. But since it is the wheel configuration that is different from the Eerie Triplexes rather than only the paint, I am under the impression that a custom run would cost more than many folks are willing to pay.

I would be in for a proper VGN #700 triplex with the correct 2-8-8-8-4 wheel config.  3rd Rail has proven there are enough Virginian fans out there to fulfill the minimums -- look at their successful 2-10-10-2 VGN Class AE, GE EL-2B, and the upcoming EL-3A trios! 

@Paul Kallus posted:

Thanks, guys, for your support on the Halloween name change. I think it's too late at this point, and my energy level is near depleted. Maybe Lionel will surprise us given the comments on the Trainworld show and this forum.

The Triplex is very sinister looking. It was a beast of a locomotive in real-life. Due to the smoke unit in the tender, this thing will set off smoke alarms. The only thing missing is a better sound system, kind of the case with MTH products in general. It does have the quilling whistle, but you have to press a soft key to enable, and it's not nearly as fun as the Cab II slider whistle.

Thanks for your passion on this subject Paul.  

As has been said before, you can't please everyone however you can reach a general consensus using advisory panels or focus groups on a specific release basis, or general concepts especially for fantasy schemes.

I have found it is always easier to ask people what they want rather than try to guess or decide what to give them and hope it is what they want.

BTO is a form of that to be certain but maybe take it a step or two further to involve the train buying public more formally.

Wishful thinking?  Who knows?

Chuck, I haven't seen a hardcopy of the brochure and I don't live close to any train shops anymore, but in December I'll stop in Nicholas Smith - part of my semi-annual pilgrimages to that great train store - and see if they have any left.

FWIW: I have a photograph of the Triplex in action...I purchased it years ago at a train show and it had framed. No whitewalls! This same photo appears in "Erie Power" by Westing and Staufer, pg. 212, with note that it was taken in Susquehanna, PA. I would share it here however I am not certain of the copyright laws.

Last edited by Paul Kallus

Paul KallusPaul KallusOGR Forum Member

Norman and Chuck, I understand your views. FWIW: I am a huge Appalachian RR fan and have a couple of O. Winston Link's books. I also have a couple DVDs of Howard Zanes superb Piermont Division HO scale model RR...fantastic is the best word to describe his Appalachian scenery. As you know, Appalachia further north. The wonderful mountainous stream valleys are heaven on Earth, at least to me. My favorite Railroads to model are the PRR, Erie, and Reading - all of which ran through some beautiful country, and I am fortunate to live near some of it.

Back to the Triplex. It was this model - MTH first made it around 2002 or so - that brought me over to the scale side (expensive side) of the hobby. I had seen it run on a friend's layout and from that point on I was blown away by its mechanical splendor and was hooked into scale (had been a traditional train dude). Currently, I have a Premier black Erie and a black Virginian Triplex that I double-head from time to time, though I have difficulty programming PS3.0 engines for lashups (a known problem with PS3 trains). I attached a video of them, below.


Paul your enthusiasm for the Triplex is understandable and I would be the last one to say that it is not impressive running around the layout...

But I will say that upon further examination of the tender, the Triplex is quite a bit more sinister looking than I first gave it credit.  Given the limited space on the tender, while 'End of the Line' is a sensible suggestion...

Thank God we are living in the age of the internet and we have O Gauge Forum to bring enthusiasts together to discuss what interests us. I have spent my share of time in bars and met lots of folks but have yet to discover the level of interest in the O Gauge railroad hobby that I get here. Huh. Go figure.

I am learning that Paul is an authentic Triplex aficionado. He moved over to O Gauge to enable the MTH Black Triplex AND Virginian on his layout. Great video in his posting of these two in action. The lack of boiler overhang of the Triplex on curves sells the look. Now Paul is on board for the Lionel Vision Line Erie Triplex without white trim offered by Mr. Muffins’s. A more prototypical look – makes sense to me. On top of that, he is ready bring on the Black and Orange Vision Line Triplex. And as if that is not enough, he is an Appalachian railroad fan. There is SO much American heritage in that. Respect.

Run A Muck Chuck appreciates that the Triplex is impressive on the layout and can present a sinister presence. Agreed.

Great stuff... Hope there are 39 other folks telling Mr. Muffin they need a custom black and orange Triplex!

@BlueFeather posted:

I would be in for a proper VGN #700 triplex with the correct 2-8-8-8-4 wheel config.  3rd Rail has proven there are enough Virginian fans out there to fulfill the minimums -- look at their successful 2-10-10-2 VGN Class AE, GE EL-2B, and the upcoming EL-3A trios!

Here is what BlueFeather says in the "Interests" section of his O Gauge Forum Members listing:

I really enjoy the prototype history behind our model trains -- the different railroads and how they came to be, as well as the technology and how it evolved during the 19th and especially mid-20th Century.  I find the transitional period of the mid-1940s thru 1960 to be absolutely fascinating.  I have a preference for Eastern US lines but find certain elements of the West just as intriguing.

Bravo!  Could not agree more.

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