There were a few items in this catalog that caught my eye.
I've wanted a scale CV Hudson for a long time, as I've thought it would like great pulling my Pride Lines Rail Chief coaches.
Likewise, I missed both the earlier S-2 and Heisler Runs.
The Reading F-3s and return of smaller aluminum passenger cars are a welcome surprise.
Even the Bob Ross stuff and some of the IP related items are pretty cool (If Lionel can work with Mattel, can they work with Hasbro..?)
The prices are frankly just too high. All of the items I listed above, except for probably the Heisler, I could find elsewhere.
Case and point, the CV Hudson can be bought at a lower cost, and even a DC motor conversion may not cost as much. Likewise, the 3rd Rail S-2 pops up somewhat frequently. Converting to command control isn't much more expensive.
The Reading equipment is great, until you realize it is also pretty common from the other manufactures if you look around a bit.
I have to wonder, as Lionel attempts to expand its consumer base, is the cost of adding more and more IPs taking a toll on pricing because of licensing the IPs.
Unrelated, I believe that the K-Line 15" aluminum passenger cars are still probably the best versions of that size car. Road specific details and fairly robust running for each car, and at reasonable prices, even on the secondary market.