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Looking for pics of 20-21373 the santa fe DL-109s. Heard that they look sharp on the store shelf with the crome on the shells but they all sold out at my local store before I can get a peek. I seen pics on the mth website but I wanted to see more pics via google with no luck. So I am here asking if anyone bought one and has pictures to post in the comments. Thanks!

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I was wondering about these too. I would like to know before I spend that kind of money if there are any hairline cracks in the plating. MTH passenger cars have the hairline cracks, the run of alco PA's released a few years ago had them (I know first hand because I sent mine back to my dealer over this issue). I dont know about the e-8's or the f-3's but was wanting those but didnt want the hairline cracks in the plating and wasn't willing to chance it. Anyone out there got these please look for the hairline cracks and post if you see any. I am up for a set of these if they are free of the cracks.

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