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Since this is a fairly new model release, I don't know if there would be any of the usual parts dealers who would have these parts in stock already? So I'd guess your best initial bet is to contact Lionel. Though I don't know if Lionel is doing repairs on out of warranty product?

Here's the parts breakdown from the Lionel website:

I don't know if you've had the shell off the frame, but if you are confident the motor still functions - and that's a good thing because Lionel doesn't have them in stock - then the problem is most likely with the gears inside the engine truck. Although it could also potentially be the gear that is on the motor shaft, meaning a new motor. And because that motor is identified as for the ET44, I don't know whether a motor from another type of engine would work... probably not.

If you're comfortable doing repairs, and the problem is indeed limited to the motor truck itself and not the motor, the basic truck assembly is in stock. You will obviously have to remove some parts off the older one to use with your replacement. Obviously if you send it to someone for repairs, there will be the cost of shipping, the parts and labor.

Some of the bigger dealers have repair departments like Charles Ro. And there's also gunrunnerjohn who does repairs for Hennings and is on the forum here a good deal, has a good reputation and is knowledgeable. There's other too. A couple sponsor this forum.

As a side note here, a lot of the trains I like to run get knocked about on this forum as being junk and what not. But I have never experienced a problem like this, especially on a engine that is a little over a year old.

The truck mounted motor set up utilized by Lionel (and K-Line) for many years on starter/traditional types of products does cause a "high water" appearance on the diesels. But I can put an engine that is either 25, 35 or 50 years old on the track, and it works. No they don't have digital sound or control, but they operate as they were made to do (and better with minor alterations). I have the sounds in my imagination .

On the other hand, the motors being used now in some new design Lionel starter locos seem to be so much smaller. And repair guys I know tell me they burn out much faster than the previous motor set up.

I also intentional buy locomotives that utilize the same basic components, so if I do have an occasional repair issue, I already have the parts on hand.


Last edited by brianel_k-lineguy

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