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Since you were using a PS 2 tester you clearly know your way around wiring and such.

I suggest probing the DC voltage on the 2 motor drive terminals at the 5-terminal connector on the relay end of the main board.  With needle-point meter probe tips you should be able to safely access the contacts even from the harness side as you can contact the metal crimp inserts with the probe tip.

Or even if your PS2 tester was destroyed, maybe you saved the cable to the 5-terminal motor connector that would be another way to measure the 2 motor drive voltage right at the PS2 board.

On power up the engine should be in neutral so no motor voltage.  Then since it sounds like you're working in conventional, the Direction button should cycle the engine thru Neutral-Fwd-Neutral-Rev.  And with track voltage of, say, 12V or so, the voltage should cycle from 0, some DC voltage, back to 0, some opposite polarity DC voltage.  And you should hear the relay "click" every other button press as it changes direction; BTW if you never hear the relay "click" at all, that's another issue.

If you never get any motor voltage, then perhaps the motor electronics blew a transistor.  But if the motor voltage cycles per above, then trace the voltage thru the connectors, harnesses, tether, etc. up to the 2 motor tabs.

Last edited by stan2004

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