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Originally Posted by Charlie Howard:

Andre, when you make them available, will this be a front only, or do you have plans for a complete building? Great work by the way.


I am working on it. will be modular means you can but parts separately depending your needs.

another option I will offer is the possibility to customize windows distribution and size.


Brilliant. I've just got to get me a laser cutter and 3d printer. I'm going to become a mentor in the maker's program at my grandson's school. They're recently acquired both of these machines which I may be able to do some "government" jobs for the railroad. At least it will give me experience with the new tech so I can properly evaluate the value of making the investment for my own machines.

Very nice! Some brick applications had a raked joint in which a tool is used to scrape the mortar to a specified depth. In that application, panels can be used as is with just coloring to the joints. Most mortar is a whitish gray, but color can be determined by the type of sand used as well as the cement. As mortar ages, it darkens. However, the opposite occurs with dyed mortar. Black turns a dark gray, brown sometimes gets a purplish hue, and white tends to yellow a bit. 


Thank you! contact me anytime.
I can test some materials using a nice feature called engraving 3D.
Windows are home made using laser board.
door is tichy.
Thank you guys for all the nice comments, really a motivation to keep moving forward!!
Here is the last detail add.
To cover the front's edges I engraved a brick stripe then i glued it to cover the bare.MDF


Originally Posted by AG:


 acrylic paint for mortar, the secret is, I use more than one color for mortar so the final tone will be not even, making look close to the real one.


Ahhh Ok.  Using multiple colors is a great idea on the mortar, there certainly are variations out in the real world.  I see many many uses for these. 


yes, I will develope soon arch bricks.

Regarding stone blocks next week you will see something done in 3D engraving.


Joe, this is a nice challenge, give me some time to evaluate it.


There is not to much improvement so far but at least moving forward.

adding the window header and top cornice give to the building a different touch.

All this will be include in the front kit if someone is interested. Next week I will be able to give numbers for the kit.


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