I've been receiving emails from Menards advertising their O gauge rolling stock. They look pretty good in the photos, sprung metal trucks, etc, but I'm a little hesitant to purchase given the extremely low cost ($19.99 for a tanker or boxcar). I'd appreciate any feedback from those who own a Menard train car or two.
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I have about 10, and am generally quite pleased. I did have to return one for a truck issue, but that was easy for me to do. There have been a couple more I had to reset axles on. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy more, and likely will.
Thanks Ross... !
In my limited experience, the Menard's rolling stock have couplers that are slightly lower, and slightly tighter, than the standard Lionel lobster claws. This has created derailment issues (and at times accidental decoupling issues) in the past for me and others when a Lionel car has a Menards car hooked behind it.
Perhaps Menards has altered or rectified this coupler issue in the last year or so. I hope so and would like to hear from others.
The Menards cars I have look great and roll great, but having to file, alter, or ditch couplers made them a headache and no bargain for me.
I have a lot of Menards cars, mostly boxcars and a bunch of the 14" flatcars. The flatcars came with very nice sprung trucks and have been trouble-free. The older boxcars, not so much. Those have had some issues, early on I had a lot of issues with the trucks.
I'm hoping that they've fixed the trucks or started using the nice trucks from the longer flatcars. Sadly, from the pictures I see of current offerings, they still seem to have the same trucks as previously.
I have said many times that Menards is the way to go if you want to buy a train and have a few bucks left when you are done. That said, I have found that you often have to fiddle with them unless you track is very forgiving. They should work fine out of the box if you have an oval of tubular track. If you have switches, you may need to fiddle. I’ve had to adjust the gauge, fix coupler mechanisms, remount truck brackets, etc. I will add that their customer service for returns and replacements has always been excellent for me.
I would avoid the short flat cars, but the long flat car is great. Box cars are fine, but lack detail. I have also had a few box cars that I had to trim the brake cylinder valve so it didn’t hit a turnout. Hoppers are also nice, but better if you add some weight. I don’t have any tank cars so I can’t speak to those.
Stopped buying Menards rolling stock after a wheel set failure rate on all 4 box cars in a 4-pack. Ranged from smaller issues I could fiddle with to total failure.
Disclosure: That was about 1.5 years ago so maybe things are better.
Bob, I chuckled when you talked about the brake cylinder, I just got done trimming eight of the PRR cars because that plastic valve was hitting and derailing them!
I have some Menards boxcars. Some needed the trucks oiled, some needed trucks replaced. I don't know what the official story is on why the trucks suck.
I like the boxcars for the price! No, they don't have unbelievable detail and whatnot but details could be added and then paint the molded on details black to give them the appearance of a shadow. That's my plan. Let's hope it works.
So buy one (or two) and form your own opinion. They seem to be very nice; especially at their price point.
I like the boxcars for trips out with our modular club. They don't have a lot of delicate detail to get knocked off in transport, that's a good thing for this purpose. Also,the graphics are actually pretty good, so they look good rolling by. I have over 50 of the boxcars, so I have a pretty good sampling of the possible issues.
FWIW, some of the new Lionel sound cars that cost a ton more have come through with fatal coupler flaws, so it's not just limited to low-cost stuff.
Are the trucks actually sprung, or is is it just a molded-in detail?
As good as you can expect for under $20.00.
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:Are the trucks actually sprung, or is is it just a molded-in detail?
The 14" flatcar trucks are actually quality sprung trucks, AFAIK, all the others are must molded in detail into the sideframes. I know all the boxcars I have do not have sprung trucks.
I just took a bunch of my Reading boxcars for a spin to test the couplers, still have one that pops open. Here's a couple of threads and replies I posted about the issues and the fixes.
Fixes for Menards Coupler Issues
And my initial review:
Better than that. The level of detail is excellent, especially with the various loads on their flatbeds. People will complain about their trucks but in most cases the truck issues are easy to fix. By far the best bang for your buck.
While the truck issues can be fixed as you say, my work on them indicates to me with a little QC at the factory, we wouldn't have all the truck issues. They'd be an even greater "bang for the buck" if they all worked out of the box!
@gunrunnerjohn posted:While the truck issues can be fixed as you say, my work on them indicates to me with a little QC at the factory, we wouldn't have all the truck issues. They'd be an even greater "bang for the buck" if they all worked out of the box!
The same can be said for many current train products, including those that cost a whole lot more than $20.
I own several Menards cars and have been satisfied - you get what you pay for. I've zip-tied some of the couplers. As GRJ mentioned above, they're great for club layouts - if there's a mishap, it's not a major loss.
If one wants a lot of colorful boxcars, it's hard to beat MPC stuff - slightly undersized, but many cars of that era are easily found for $10-15 each in like-new condition with original box.
I've found that the trucks are not properly gauged and some of the box cars have a decorative valve which hangs low enough that they get caught on turnout components. Also, for anyone using Lionel 1122 turnouts, some of the Menards cars (cement truck flat car) hits the sides of the elevated portion of the turnout. I don't think I'm buying any more Menards cars, generally, every other car performs poorly.
Every once in a while I have found some that need to be taken apart and reassembled but that’s a quick fix just a few screws. For the price they are good. Not Scale more traditional 027 cars. They are worth it.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:Bob, I chuckled when you talked about the brake cylinder, I just got done trimming eight of the PRR cars because that plastic valve was hitting and derailing them!
Have to do the same. They don’t play nice with all my Ross switches. But have many of their cars and very happy with them.
I have only one Menards freight car. A Soo Line covered hopper that I picked up while attending my nephew's wedding in Michigan exactly two years ago today! I have had only one issue with the car. It doesn't derail but for some reason, one wheel will come off the track but only when traveling in one direction. If I turn the car around, all 8 wheels stay on the rails. I suspect that it has to do with wheel gauge. My temporary solution was to use a Sharpie and draw an arrow on the bottom of the offending truck pointing which way to roll. It's a great looking car and for $20 I think they are a great value.
I bought one flat cat, one Hopper and two boxcars. They were all great from the chassis floor up. But all four cars had issues with the trucks and one had the coupler bar loose in the box.
At train shows I don't even stop to see the price, I just keep walking. It's not worth my time or hassle to be fixing trucks. If I really wanted a certain menards car, I would immediately put lionel or mth trucks on it. JME
Yes sirs I have had nothing but problems with there trucks on the 5 different cars I purchased. If you like buying to fix then go for it.
I have purchased several cars and I haven't had any issues. The flats with the sprung trucks are great. The level of paint decoration is spot on. Very crisp and well done. There is no way I'm going to pay $80 for a single car when I can get four for same amount of money.
Allegheny, I 100% agree. Their flat cars w/sprung trucks and highly detailed loads are their best cars. I can buy a Lionel or an MTH or an Atlas at much more money and have problems. I wouldn't criticize the best buy in all of 0-Gauge model railroading.
I can buy a Menards car and replace the trucks for less than I can buy any other brand. Since I don't have to work on every car, it makes sense financially. (I can buy used equipment at even cheaper prices.)
Stay away from their gondolas, they have really bad trucks.
For the price I like them. I've add some weight to a few but forthe pice there spot on
@aussteve posted:...At train shows I don't even stop to see the price, I just keep walking. ...
I keep walking, but for a different reason. The "by the case" discount at Menards still works out to about $16 per car plus shipping and handling (and they charge BOTH). Unless a vendor bought a collection for a good price, he needs to mark them up beyond retail in order to make even a slim profit. I don't understand why someone wouldn't just buy them online or at the store.
I'm really amused by the guys who fill several tables with Menards stuff at a meet.
@Mallard4468 posted:I keep walking, but for a different reason. The "by the case" discount at Menards still works out to about $16 per car plus shipping and handling (and they charge BOTH) ...
Menards offers exceptional value, with one caveat.
It's pretty bad when $16 a car isn't cheap enough.
For most of us our hobby had always been about fiddling around with things. So you either cough up $80 for the name brands and get a perfect car (yeah, right), or $16 (plus S&H unless you're lucky enough to have a store nearby) and have a little fun tweaking what you get.
Are you a fiddler? Or an often-disappointed perfectionist?
I'll stick with fiddling. Thank you Menards for helping to make things fun again!
@poconotrain posted:Every once in a while I have found some that need to be taken apart and reassembled but that’s a quick fix just a few screws. For the price they are good. Not Scale more traditional 027 cars. They are worth it.
They are larger than traditional 027 cars
I thought we put the size issue to bed years ago. While they're not truly "scale sized", they are very close. Here's the Menard's boxcar compared to the Lionel Vision Line PFE Reefer. Both are 40 foot cars. They're ever so slightly shorter and narrower than the "scale" car, and the same length. The PFE Reefer is a scale sized car, I measured it to make sure.
ausstere, gotta agree with you regarding train shows. Why would anyone buy a Menard's at a train show? As you correctly state, you have to have blinders on to not know the price of Menard's rolling stock retail direct is cheaper than some vendor who marks it up at a train meet, unless Menard's no longer makes a certain model and it is a must have for a person.
@BCianci posted:I've been receiving emails from Menards advertising their O gauge rolling stock. They look pretty good in the photos, sprung metal trucks, etc, but I'm a little hesitant to purchase given the extremely low cost ($19.99 for a tanker or boxcar). I'd appreciate any feedback from those who own a Menard train car or two.
Easy Answer: YES & NO !!! IOW: Some, you have to tinker with & some, you don't!! Sometimes you end up replacing the Truck with a "GOOD" one. That's all I'm saying.
Bcianci, this is not rocket science. Tankers are of the same quality as the box cars. Stop over thinking this. Just buy one or two and make your own determination. You will not have to skip dinner to buy a box car.
Most of the ones I have are fine. I have run into a few that you have to place strategically in the consist due to being lighter than most other freight. They would derail, then I'd move them and no issues. I would figure this isn't uncommon with other manufacturers as well. Overall, I've been happy with the 6-10 that I have for the price.
@Dennis Rosenthal posted:Bcianci, this is not rocket science. Tankers are of the same quality as the box cars. Stop over thinking this. Just buy one or two and make your own determination. You will not have to skip dinner to buy a box car.
Dennis, I'm not sure what gave you the opinion that I'm "overthinking" this??? I merely asked if those who own Menards train cars are happy with them. My question has nothing to due with cost or rocket science. And thank you for assuming I can afford a $19 dollar purchase, I'd hate to miss another dinner in pursuit of my hobby.
If you don't mind that SOMETIMES you may need to put in some work to get the stock to roll then buy them.
I rather like to put in NO work and just have cars roll on their own.
Now you make the informed decision.
LT1Poncho, I find that weight varies in all manufacturer's rolling stock. I buy wheel weights at Harbor Freight to fix that problem. They come in 1/4 & 1/2 ounce sheets. Add as many as you think are necessary to weight a box car. Fair warning, once the press them down they are not coming off.
To BCianci, no offense intended. All I am saying is everybody has an opinion. Just try one to make your own decision.