Originally Posted by Menards:
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:
How did her boots get taller during the second test?
These were actually two separate tests that took place on two different days and thus the wardrobe change.
It was discussed that during trial #1, our engineers forgot to account for the weight of the test subject’s boots and other clothes. This resulted in the structural failure you observed and also sent our engineers back to the drawing board.
The obvious answer for weight removal from the test subject, as occurred to the young fellows, was quickly rejected on moral and ethical grounds. Alas, we will never know if those few pounds of clothing would have made the difference!
Calculations were made and it was decided that two pieces of track would easily do the job. A few days later, trial #2 was conducted with the exceptional results you see, despite even bigger and heavier boots J!
It seems as though a train guy’s work is never done!
-Mark the Menards Train Guy
Just caught this little bit of humor. Shes seems pretty petite, don't think her clothes weigh all that much to have changed the test results