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Hi everyone, most of you know I recently moved from Washington state to Missouri.

We bought a house with a 20 x 30 shop, and I took the back of the shop cause the CEO said no trains in the house, Ok I am fine with that. Back to the story I know I need to do another layout, or I would find myself in the funny farm. Here is what I started with and where I am now. 20240630_18314620240702_133826

this is after I emptied out the back of the shop from the previous owner.

Now for what it looks like now! No that's not an Underdog poster, it's my 55" T.V. to keep me on the world!



I know some of you will ask what I am running and that is mostly MTH Moder day, LOL I take that back as I do have one steam engine a UP 4-8-4! Any how I run command and control via DCS.

Here is a snapshot of my layout if anyone would like the SCARM file I would be happy to share it with you.

Screenshot 2024-12-07 130708

I hope you all like my future endeavors and maybe watch along!

Most of all I hope you all have fun with your layouts and trains!


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Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@mike g. posted:

Hi everyone, most of you know I recently moved from Washington state to Missouri. Please don't ask why! LOL

Anyway, we bought a house with a 20 x 30 shop, and I took the back of the shop cause the CEO said no trains in the house, Ok I am fine with that. Back to the story I know I need to do another layout, or I would find myself in the funny farm. Here is what I started with and where I am now. 20240630_18314620240702_133826

this is after I emptied out the back of the shop from the previous owner.

Now for what it looks like now! No that's not an Underdog poster, it's my 55" T.V. to keep me on the world!



I know some of you will ask what I am running and that is mostly MTH Moder day, LOL I take that back as I do have one steam engine a UP 4-8-4! Any how I run command and control via DCS.

Here is a snapshot of my layout if anyone would like the SCARM file I would be happy to share it with you.

Screenshot 2024-12-07 130708

I hope you all like my future endeavors and maybe watch along!

Most of all I hope you all have fun with your layouts and trains!

Looking good Mike can't wait to see the finished layout. God Speed!  Mark

@DL Brunette posted:

Hi Mike,  sorry to see you leave our state.  Looks like you have created value by building a super nice finished room in your outbuilding!  Love the track plan, looks like you have some elevation changes in your track plan.  Keep us posted.  Best, Dave

Hi Dave, ceo wanted a it gave me a chance for a new layout! I'll be back someday.

I appreciate your response Mike...all we are trying to do is to keep the use of the bandwidth which we pay for to train related discussion as much as possible.  I want this forum to be around for a long time and appreciate those folks that help support it.  Now...let me say that your new layout looks like it is coming along nicely.  Don't forget to consider getting it published so take lots of pictures along the way and then when you are far enough along and ready to show it off in the magazine, get back to us!

Hi thanks everyone! I think it's going be a fun build. I think this time it will go easier as I now have so many friends here that have some of the best train knowledge! From bench work to electrical and scenery. Seems the OGR forum is the place to come help and enjoyment!

Thanks again. Everyone! 😀

@Richie C. posted:

Coming along nicely, Mike, and now that you're in the "Show Me" state, you'll need some Missouri motive power for when the layout's up and running.



Thanks Richie I will have to think about it! LOL Hey can you do me a favor and give me a couple shots or your intermodal.  yard. I have one I am going to have to build on the new layout!

Hi guys and gals just a little update, most of you know this build just like my last 2 are on a very slim budget. So if you find it funny, I understand, but today was a little windfall for me. I was on the way home from Menards and there is a small building down the road form my new house and they are remodeling it to make a convenience store and they had a bunch of 2x4's just thrown out back. I ask the man if I could have them and boom they were in the back of my truck and next think you know they were in my shop.

Tomorrow will be nail pulling and leg cutting! Anything left over is for the wife!



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@mike g. posted:

ok folks I have a serious question for you all. I have been pricing 1x3's and some of it just blows my mind! So here is my question do you think using 1x3 Premium Furring Strips would be ok? It's only @$2.39 per 8' board.

Mike, like Bob mentioned, if you’re not going to see it, it should be just fine. Structurally it’s the same in a rougher cut with rounded edges. For bench work and bracing I would use it also. A furring strip just doesn’t make a flush edge being rounded. You’re not building a piece of decorative furniture.


@Genemed posted:

Mike, like Bob mentioned, if you’re not going to see it, it should be just fine. Structurally it’s the same in a rougher cut with rounded edges. For bench work and bracing I would use it also. A furring strip just doesn’t make a flush edge being rounded. You’re not building a piece of decorative furniture.


Thanks Gene, and even if I needed a flat edge I could always run it threw the table saw! Thanks for the input!

Mike, furring strips move and warp in uncontrollable dimensions. I use the mid grade 1x3s and 1x4s from Menards. Home Depot is an alternative source.  Furring strips are dimensionally smaller than the 1x3s.  I understand the budget issues, but this the the base of the entire layout, why would you use substandard materials?  I would not do it. But as we all say its your railroad.

@ScoutingDad posted:

Mike, furring strips move and warp in uncontrollable dimensions. I use the mid grade 1x3s and 1x4s from Menards. Home Depot is an alternative source.  Furring strips are dimensionally smaller than the 1x3s.  I understand the budget issues, but this the the base of the entire layout, why would you use substandard materials?  I would not do it. But as we all say its your railroad.

Thanks Jeff, I did some research, and Menards has the best deal on 1x4x8 along with their plywood. Gives me something to think about. But this is why I posted the question!

@Richie C.  Richie that is a beautiful MoPac (I believe its an Alco PA but am not sure) loco.  Who made that?  Thanks for posting but now I have to think about buying another loco...(as if that's hard )

All the Best


Don - sorry to have given you pause to spend more money on trains , but that is the Lionel Legacy FA-2 AA set from a few years ago - both units are powered with twin motors, each. She's run flawless since new and is a keeper, for sure. I'd have to check on the passenger set - not sure where I got those, but I switched them over to LED lighting.

Missouri Pacific LEGACY FA AA Set

MP 1



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Last edited by Richie C.

Mike, Your new train room is looking great!  Thanks for posting pictures of your progress.  BTW, is that an exhaust fan in the ceiling?  If so, that's a great idea for a train room.

I second Jeff's recommendation not to use 1x3 furring strips for framing.  Occasionally a few pieces can be found that will not warp, twist or bow, but in my experience at least 75% of them do.  Spending a little more for a stable bench will save frustration with track down the road.

@mike g. posted:

Hi guys and gals just a little update, most of you know this build just like my last 2 are on a very slim budget. So if you find it funny, I understand, but today was a little windfall for me. I was on the way home from Menards and there is a small building down the road form my new house and they are remodeling it to make a convenience store and they had a bunch of 2x4's just thrown out back. I ask the man if I could have them and boom they were in the back of my truck and next think you know they were in my shop.

Tomorrow will be nail pulling and leg cutting! Anything left over is for the wife!

Nothing wrong with that.  90% of my layout is recycled lumber.  I was fortunate enough to have a friend working for a place that discarded numerous large wood shipping crates.  It was a pain breaking them down and pulling nails (soooo many nails) but i got 2xs, 1xs, 1/2" plywood of various dimensions, etc.  Discarded pallets are also a source but some of those nails are down right tough to get out.

Good afternoon, everyone, I hope your all doing ok. As for me I spent the day pulling nails and as Joe would say SO MANY NAILS! lol But I got them all pulled and tomorrow I will clean them up and cut the best one to length for legs.

@SteveH Steve yes that is an exhaust fan in the ceiling to remove the smoke from the engines! I shopped around and found the highest CFM with the quietest rating. When it is on you can barely hear it and with the TV on or just me thinking you can't hear it at all!

Well, I gave the 1x3 some serious thought from what others have said and I found out I can get premium 1x4x8 for a cheaper price and with my 10% Military discount, it will leave me just enough money to get a special item from a wonderful forum member. When I get it I will post more about that!

Anyways it looks like the weekend is going to be dry and then rain most of next week so I might just go Saturday and get my lumber. That doesn't include the 1/2" plywood, that is something that is being reused also! Please don't get confused I and not frugal I am the best when it comes to being CHEAP! LOL

I hope you all have a great coming up weekend and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!

@mike g. posted:

Well, I gave the 1x3 some serious thought from what others have said and I found out I can get premium 1x4x8 for a cheaper price and with my 10% Military discount, it will leave me just enough money to get a special item from a wonderful forum member. When I get it I will post more about that!

Anyways it looks like the weekend is going to be dry and then rain most of next week so I might just go Saturday and get my lumber. That doesn't include the 1/2" plywood, that is something that is being reused also! Please don't get confused I and not frugal I am the best when it comes to being CHEAP! LOL

I hope you all have a great coming up weekend and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!

Mike, sounds like you’re on a mission. For a lesser, affordable price, the 1x4 will be a better choice in the end for you.


I think "resourceful" might be a better term.

Had some time last night to take these pics of the industrial/intermodal area. The control box for the crane is mounted on a small wood pad attached to the layout fascia. I dislike exposed wires anywhere on my layout and ran everything through and under the layout to the pad. The crane has a computer-like ribbon cable and, obviously, the crane moves back and forth. In order to compensate for the crane movement and allow the cable to be hidden from view but also to move with it, I cut a thin slot about 6 inches long through the layout on the back side of the crane where it's almost undetectable, so that the cable can move laterally back and forth in the slot as the crane moves. I fine sanded the edges of the slot so the cable doesn't get hung up.

Enjoy !     

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WOW Richie, Mark is right that is a lot in a small area, but you have done an amazing job! I didn't know it could be done, it makes me think of all the stuff I can to with my new layout! LOL Wish me luck.

Well folks back to progress as it is not every day something is going to be getting done! So today I cut all 40 of my legs for the layout and also predrilled the holes for the leveling feet that come in tomorrow and Sunday.

Sunday will probably be the day I go get my lumber package for the bench work as the weather is to be nicer weather. Then the real fun will begin, mind you probably as a slow pace. But I will be sure to keep you all up to date.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Hi Mike, I am happy to see you starting to get a layout. You are always so pleasant and complimentary to all of us. Your layout design looks great and of course, like others on here I want to watch and enjoy your progress. To weigh in on the lumber issue, I used where possible 2x3's instead of 2x4's. Usually screwed in place, they don't warp. If you have to for any reason climb on it, you will have the support. Best of luck getting it started.   Bill

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