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@Bill Park posted:

Hi Mike, I am happy to see you starting to get a layout. You are always so pleasant and complimentary to all of us. Your layout design looks great and of course, like others on here I want to watch and enjoy your progress. To weigh in on the lumber issue, I used where possible 2x3's instead of 2x4's. Usually screwed in place, they don't warp. If you have to for any reason climb on it, you will have the support. Best of luck getting it started.   Bill

Thanks Bill, out of all the 2x4's I got.for free I used most of them up for the legs. There were bad sections I had to cut out of the boards. I will use 1x4 for the rest of the benchwork and then 1/2" plywood for cookie cutter roadbed except where the TT is going that will be 3/4" for that and some of the yard.

Hi @MikeG, Mike, wow, now this is going to be a really fun to watch topic, and seeing how you build your new layout. I’m sorry I couldn’t be at @farmerjohns the day you visited his layout and get to meet you personally. Seeing Johnnys layout probably gave you many things to think about, his train room is full of awesome scenes, to numerous to mention, let alone 5 or more long trains running all around his empire. I’ve visited many home layouts, probably over 150, and from 4 by 8 layouts, to the New Jersey High Railers layout, all are uniquely different. Congratulations and Thank you for starting this thread giving us regular updates on your progress. Happy Railroading Everyone

Thanks @leapinlarry and @bigtruckpete for the nice words! Yes Larry I got a bunch of ideas from @farmerjohn layout, just like the black ceiling. I have a lot of other ideas, but I want to keep them undercover till I get to that point, and I will have to get instructions from Farmerjohn.

I am not sure what will get done today if anything, but I will check in later to let you all know!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and finds time to have fun with their trains, family and friends!

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