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When ever RJR post to a topic I can not longer post a response.  I have reported this before.  It happens 100% of the time.  Could you please look into the program bug that may be causing this.  I was trying to help RockyRoad and answer his question, but after RJR posted I was locked out from responding.  I could not even Flag it to notify you,  there are no action buttons available when the popup window opens.  Thank you, G

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Like has been previously noted, I think it might be a older version of the internet browser that you are running?  While I have no problems at home, when I'm at work (and looking at the forum on my lunch break) none of the icons pop up due to the older browsers put in place by out IT system.  Even if there are no icons, does the "POST REPLY" button at the bottom of the page appear?



The more these sites rely upon fancier layers of coding, the easier it seems for strange things to happen every once and awhile.  I've noticed recently that if I'm viewing the forum through my iPad or iPhone (using Safari -- not the mobile apps), responding to a post doesn't always go as planned.  Occasionally the graemlins icons aren't available to insert into a post.  And on very rare occasions, I've typed a response in the text box only to find afterwards that the "submit reply" button is missing, so I can't post the response.   


No rhyme or reason to this stuff though...  if I go back to the index of topics and try again, everything is fine.  Strange stuff... I'm just glad I'm not a coder these days attempting to support the various environments out there.  



Originally Posted by Barry Broskowitz:
Do yourself a favor and trash IE. Just about any other browser would be a big improvement.

Barry, how many times does this have to be said... even AFTER Rich drives the point home every time...


It must be the capital expenditure that IE users are backing off of.















Oh, never mind, FireFox and Chrome are FREE.

Why does it only happen on the MTH DCS and PS-1/PS-2 part of this Forum? Or as GGG mentioned...only after a certain individual posts??? Or why isn't it happening now on this topic???

First of all, it's intermittent and doesn't happen all the time.


Second of all, percentage-wise, it will tend to happen more where you post more, i.e., on this forum.


As far as why it's "only" after RJR posts, you don't have enough occurrences to make that statement. Further, I've seen one or two occurrences where people have complained about being unable to post and RJR had not posted.


Regardless, since it's just you and a few others, the problem is yours to solve. Stop complaining, trash IE and get a more capable browser.

When one choses a browser, there is no one best browser for everyone.  One can get into a discussion of why any one browser is the best, much the same as one can get into a discussion of MTH vs. Lionel, TMCC vs. PS2, postwar vs. modern, PC vs MAC.  Bottomline is that one should pick a browser that suits their needs (and there is more to life than just any single model train forum) they should download the most current version of the browser to make sure that it is compatible with the websites they visit.


Personally, I have always used IE and have not had any issues.  Even my new Sony Vaio which I am typing this response on has the new version of IE and it works perfectly fine on this forum.


I think that Chris' advice is prudent when he suggest that you clean up your computer.  Much like the junk drawer in our kitchens, its suprising how cluttered it gets.  Then if you haven't done so, download the most recent version of the browser of your choice.  This likely will make your problems go away.



Originally Posted by ADCX Rob:

Because the folks who run the forum will say to trash "Internet Exploder" and use FireFox.  Again.  And Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. And Again.  Well, you get the idea.

Yes, we will say that, And Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. Do you think we might have a reasons for repeating the same answer over and over again? We do! We keep saying it because WE KNOW IT WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM!


Internet Exploder didn't get that nickname without GOOD reason. It is a HORRIBLE browser when compared to Firefox or Chrome.


Our "Get Firefox." answer may not be the answer you want to hear, but it is the correct answer and it is not going to change just because you don't like it.



GGG the problem you are having is NOT a bug in the forum software. If it was, it would be affecting everyone. I'm sorry I can't offer you any specific help on this, other than to clear your cache, cookies and start over with Firefox.


You might also try moving the reply window to see if the missing buttons are being hidden behind something else on the screen. I have seen Internet Exploder do that from time to time. You can move the window by placing your cursor at the top of the reply window, where it says "Post Reply". You will note that a four-point arrow appears as your cursor. You can then left-click and hold and move the reply window around on the screen.


When did you get to be the forum management?  Why don't you let the folks that actually run the forum solve the problem?

Because it's not their problem to solve.


IE is well-known to be the least compatible browser in existence, and Rich has more than once stated that he's not inclined to research any issues resulting from the use of IE. For someone who is around the forum as much as you are, I'd expect you to have seen at least a couple of Rich's posts on the subject.


Since GGG's first post on this thread clearly states "I have reported this before" and Rich has not responded, maybe he should get the message that Rich isn't going to have someone crawl through code to fix what Rich most likely assumes is yet another IE incompatibility issue. If this issue turns out to be wider-spread and also occurring with more than one browser, maybe then a bug hunt would be justified.


Regardless, the simpler solution is to either try a different browser (Firefox or Chrome) or, as Chris suggests, do some cleanup. 


Oh, and by the way, your snide comments are not appreciated!


I wish you guys would back off and let this be between me an the moderator.  I can tell you I have been posting on this forum symptom free since I first joined.

If you didn't want advice from other forum members, why didn't you send send an e-mail to Rich or the staff at OGR?   That is the only way to have a private conversation.


I would also suggest that if you want the OGR folks to answer a tech issue that the "Forum Tech Support" subforum would be a better place to post to get Rich's attention.



Blocking is something YOU control for your own account. Has RJR blocked YOU? 


Seriously, one member cannot prevent another member from replying to threads, regardless of who the OP is. That's not how it works. You can hide replies from members that you have blocked. That's all it does.


Since no one else is having the problem, you have to do some troubleshooting or change browsers.

Rich I'm curious, why is it okay to constantly bash Micrsoft and we can't bash manufactures. Maybe an email to the individual would be better than bashing here. Many many people use IE and are comfortable with it. This is the only site I have a problem using IE. Some people simply do not like to change browsers for their own reasons. 

Originally Posted by Jeff Metz:

Rich I'm curious, why is it okay to constantly bash Micrsoft and we can't bash manufactures. 

That's really an apples-and-oranges sort of thing, as you well know.  The vast majority of folks participating on this forum have very few if any problems related to access or the mechanics involved.  Most of those difficulties are experienced by those using IE as their browser.  


It's fine if you like IE for whatever reason, but keep in mind that you can easily install more than one FREE browser on your computer (I use Safari and Firefox).  If you want reliable access to the forum, it's time to try an alternative/supplemental browser.

Jeff, I am not "bashing" Microsoft. I am telling you that Internet Exploder has a well known reputation among technophiles as a terrible web browser. It has security vulnerabilities which Microsoft attempts to "patch" almost every week. Microsoft has built in certain Microsoft-only features that only work with IE...not exactly in the spirit of the open architecture of the internet. Firefox, Safari and Chrome do not suffer from these issues, precisely because they have been written to take advantage of the open architecture of the internet. 


I make these statements publicly and recommend Firefox because I KNOW that these recommendations will SOLVE THE PROBLEM. It really is that simple. It is not an issue of "preference" for one provider over another. It is a matter of knowing that Internet Exploder is going to have problems that Firefox, Safari and Chrome simply do not have.

Originally Posted by Jeff Metz:

I don't use IE for the forum because I know it does not work here. I gues I'm just saying a simple statement that IE is known to have problems with the forum...use at your own risk, might be taken more seriously without the "exploder" comments and such. IMHO. 

The fact that IE doesn't work here, when every other browser works fine, is precisely the point I am trying to make! IE has KNOWN compatibility problems with LOTS of web sites because of Microsoft's insistence that the internet should work THEIR way. Microsoft is big, but they aren't that big, and the internet is not going to bow down to Microsoft's wishes just because they want it their way.


This forum is just ONE example of a web site that doesn't work well with IE. There are thousands of others. For example, I use a flight planning web site that will not work properly in IE. It works fine in Firefox on the computer or Safari on the iPad.


Leading edge web developers have essentially said that Microsoft is not going to call the shots on this. The developers are unwilling, with good reason, to design TWO versions of every web site they build, just so IE will work OK. IE has been steadily losing market share to the other browsers because it is fundamentally a very poorly written program, and it's performance shows it. If IE did not come free on every new PC computer, it would not have anywhere near the market share it currently has.

Yeah, I don't know why it's an issue. iE is a lousy web browser but superior free replacements are readily available. And has been noted, you can install multiple browsers as you like. 


I worked on a relative's laptop that was bogged down with memory and disk

problems, with the root cause being it was overloaded with gigabytes of MSIE temp files

which took hours to remove. Now he's running Firefox and the computer is working 

again. Internet Explorer is quite evil and should be avoided for many reasons.



Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:
Originally Posted by GGG:
Rich, It is RockyRoads topic in the DCS forum.  You posted a test message under Farmer Bill.  Thanks for givoing this a try.  G

I can't find it with that information. I need the URL...use the alert icon which will send me the URL.

Rich, It is the top post in the DCS Forum:-)  Here it is.

Link copied to your clipboard.