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Morning. Just getting the Christmas layout going. I bought 3 modern 455 type derricks from a forum member. It's definitely unused. Assembled it, fired it up, and the pumper goes down and stays there humming. The old ones had an adjustment for the thermal strip. Nothing here. I took the cover off and it just has a circuit board with resistors and things, for lack of proper terms. Any thoughts? Or is this just another reminder for me not to be buying this new crap?

Thanks Matt

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Apparently it's a reminder for you to not buy the "crap".  You may be better off going to get Postwar beat up units with the bi-metallic strip.

On a more constructive possible solution: I had one once where the 555 timer chip IC was the culprit.  I replaced the 555 timer chip and it then worked.  You need to be OK with de-soldering (using a small iron, no 100 watt guns here please ) to do this since it's 8 pins soldered to the board.  I don't recall it humming when it didn't move, but it's been a long time since I dealt with this issue.

How "modern" is your unit?  20 years old?  MPC from early 80's ?(I don't have one that vintage, so I don't recall if they used strips or electronics) Most recent one they made?  (I don't know if more recent ones still have a discrete 8 pin 555 timer chip that is replaceable).  The one I did that for was the 12902 Marathon version.



Last edited by Dave45681

It's a small chip (a google search or Wikipedia have pics) that would probably just about fit on your thumbnail.  If you can desolder all 8 pins, (need to use braid, solder sucker, etc) that's the hardest part.  It's much easier to solder in the new one.  Also need to not apply too much heat to hurt the traces on the board itself, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue if you use a low wattage iron.


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