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WSJ thanks for the update on the lighting. I was kind of thinking about the fluorescents that Miller Eng offers or some of the PMMA side glow fibers.   I went really cheap on my LED lights - bought a 15 foot roll from Menards and just cut them up in multiples of 3 and solder on leads. Also connected through dimmers to tone down building lights as needed. 

As I stated previous -- excellent modeling work -- Museum Quality -- the best most realistically detailed subway station and with a mezzanine -  that I have seen in O Scale (or if in so far) any scale.  A pure architect type recreation and model  with fine attention to details that are usually overlooked.  Excellent photography of it also !  Totally real life appearing ! (Joe F)

A bit of an aside here: Some of you know that I also post pics of this project on a Facebook group page called "Only The Finest In O-Gauge Railroading" run by Kelly Harris (oops: actually "Scale", not "Gauge").  Facebook has decided to lock my FB account, for no discernible reason other than "unusual activity", and is requiring that I upload copies of personal documents such as driver's license, identification cards, passport, utility bills or bank statements, in order to "prove" my identity.

I have no desire to provide such personal documents to a company that locks my account with no opportunity for discussion or appeal, so if any of you visit Kelly's FB page mentioned above, I'd appreciate your telling him that all the posts by "Justino Garcia" (my FB name) are no longer visible.  Thankfully, I have never posted any pictures on FB that I didn't have copies of in hard copy or in other storage locations, so nothing lost there.

Perhaps there is no connection, but about a month ago, I sent a complaint to Facebook accusing them of rampant greed because in addition to selling my account activity information to the highest bidder, they had recently started flooding my feed with ads, so much so that every other post was an ad.  I told them I thought it was unconscionable.  Connection there?  NAH!

Sorry for the rant.  Back to the project.

Last edited by West Side Joe

A bit of an aside here: Some of you know that I also post pics of this project on a Facebook group page called "Only The Finest In O-Gauge Railroading" run by Kelly Harris.  Facebook has decided to lock my FB account, for no discernible reason other than "unusual activity", and is requiring that I upload copies of personal documents such as driver's license, identification cards, passport, utility bills or bank statements, in order to "prove" my identity.

I have no desire to provide such personal statements to a company that locks my account with no opportunity for discussion or appeal, so if any of you visit Kelly's FB page mentioned above, I'd appreciate your telling him that all the posts by "Justino Garcia" (my FB name) are no longer visible.  Thankfully, I have never posted any pictures on FB that I didn't have copies of in hard copy or in other storage locations, so nothing lost there.

Perhaps there is no connection, but about a month ago, I sent a complaint to Facebook accusing them of rampant greed because in addition to selling my account activity information to the highest bidder, they had recently started flooding my feed with ads, so much so that every other post was an ad.  I told them I thought it was unconscionable.  Connection there?  NAH!

Sorry for the rant.  Back to the project.

Sorry to hear that.  Facebook and Google wield too much power.  If you watched their testimony in Washington the attitude would really turn you off.   Facebook has always made it's money selling your personal information.   Yet when they testified that wasn't even mentioned.  Washington is fine with that.

Kudos to you for not giving them all of your personal documents so they can put you at risk for identity theft.


Hello Justino (-- WS JOE)

A search on Facebook (in the search box)  for  " Only The Finest In O-Gauge Railroading " comes up with nothing at all -- no results !  Perhaps you named it wrong -- or perhaps it is a sub section or ALBUM of a totally differently names page !  OR - was that YOUR OWN Facebook page name/site which Facebook then removed (or blocked from sight)

Regards - Joe F

WS Joe --

Thanks -  I checked the site out.  O "SCALE"  and O 'GAUGE" are two different (but still cross related) words and venues.   You may have O Gauge 3-rail track but what you build / model is pure O "Scale" realism and detailing.  (Joe F)

PS: I have had my own issues with Fart Book -- them (their automatic robot "monitors")  bothering me over relatively nothing

Hello Justino (WS Joe)

Well, i joined that FB Site you mentioned above - was quickly approved =- and a search of your name and your WS Joe Handle came up not found.  Also no images of your modeling work.  Also you posted a nice comment to me there on the O Gauge New York FB site about my O Scale Models of my MTA Diesel Work Loco and my maroon BRT EL trailer-car on my street scene -- and I made two separate replies back to you with my thanks and complements to you re: your own model subway station, with a photo of it on each reply.  Your posted message to me and both of my replies to you and their photos are also totally gone...vaporized !!

It appears apparently that   F B completely erased all traces of you and your identity, any postings,  images by you,  etc., wherever they were posted by you on any F B sites   --  Its all gone now.

Regards - Joe F

Last edited by Joseph Frank


Hello Coach Joe !

Thanks for the plug and nice compliment to me.

I am long quite aware that I model - specifically - highly detailed and skilled NY City style EL structures, track and stations.  Well, considering what scratch-building materials  were  available to me to be used when I started it doing it 35 years ago in O Scale.   Along with the very much required trackside city scene buildings, etc., along the El.  That alone takes a lot of skill, dedication, and recognizing and identifying, and replicating, so many of the countless details and etc., associated with the trackside scenes,  street scenes, buildings and stores, etc.    The 3D printing process of late has shown it can provide even more scale and detailed various structural and detailing components for rapid transit (or any railway) modeling.  Even specialized rolling stock !

However, proper and realistic modeling of a "Subway line (Tunnels, scenes, stations, etc) " is an entirely  different world and project specially to it's own.  And Justino has captured the entire essence and look, feel of, and incorporated, the  myriad of details applicable to such underground transit modeling.  What I have accomplished in my "above the street" modeling of rapid transit in O Scale,  he has accomplished in the "below the street" modeling of rapid transit.  Two radically different worlds of transit modeling !

regards - Joe F


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I grew up in NYC and I think the subway is in my blood. A lot of what I've done in these modules is from memory. When I was researching the internet for my subway layout, pictures of Joe Frank's and SIRT Steve's layouts kept coming up. I was impressed by the fidelity and realism of their modeling. They set a standard that I wanted to aspire to. I'm very glad that our layouts are  helping keep the subway "bug" alive for you. ☺

Last edited by West Side Joe

Justino and Joe',  You gentlemen keep the fire lit'.. I've been under the weather lately and have often thought of quitting my O Gauge layout and moving on to something less demanding'... Then I look at your phenomenal and fantastic work, and just cannot throw in the towel'... I grew up in the city.  My Dad was a `Motorman on the IRT.  I would ride with him often, and all day and cover the city, Above and Under ground'.. Both of you have got it covered'... Outstanding work, and THANK for the motivation and inspiration'...  😉👍👌✔

Hello Quarter Gauger

Just my advice - DON'T GIVE UP just yet !

Well, the amount of "demanding'' in any form or type of "hands on" modeling is pertinent to just how much you want to do and accomplish.  Given also, space available and resources.   And the creatively and skill-level to be able to do.

The creativity and skill level side can be learned over time by experimenting, trial & error, and mainly by closely studying the high-quality-details level of modeling work of others. Taking notes, copying (saving) texts and photos of construction, etc.,  I was long ago very motivated by and learned a lot from others who were then "modeler legends" in rail modeling, from the 1960's onward.  And I still these days learn new ideas and techniques.  And thanks to 3D printing things can become easier to create multiples of similar items, parts, details, quickly.  Rather than the way we old dinosaurs had to do it,  one by one, by hand, piece by piece.  Now  THAT  is demanding and tedious work and takes fortitude and dedication -- for the expected beautiful and realistic END results !

To name just a few of so many more --- Justino (WS JOE),  myself (JOE F) ,  Steve Phetterplace (SIRT)  and Joe (JOE P) Poretto,   as well as Terry Gaskin (aka CTA FAN, per his Chicago CTA Based O Scale EL layout)  -- regarding our "City Rapid Transit" type modeling - went thru it and know what that is all about - heh !

Ascertain your space -- plan your layout and what you want to have on it - relative to your space available - it can be mainly on a table top (or modular tables) type supported layout and have extensions around the room running on shelf modules for more R-o-W -- see how others have done it. There is a lot on the net and Facebook.

But GET STARTED NOW -- the much OLDER one becomes, the more daunting and tedious it seems to be to get started.  You only live once -- so start what you want to end up enjoying when and for as long as you can !!.

Below TWO photos, just shows part of my train room with an old pal of mine  and Traction modeler-builder who lives in Blackpool,  UK, (and retired as a Trolley motorman in Glasgow, Scotland)  ALAN WILLIAMS, posing for the camera a few years ago in March 2015.  He spent a week visiting here in Philly and suburbs and I drove him around to create videotapes of  all the (SEPTA) city and (Red Arrow Div. ) suburban streetcar lines, the EL Line and subway here, and other traction.  He resides in Glasgow, and runs an international TRACTION VIDEO SALES site (Tramalan) selling quality videos of his filming Transit and Traction all around the world.  (LINK -   My HO Mainline Railroad layout seen on the walls runs on a modular shelf system completely around the train room.  I have numerous visitors and groups (pre covid that is) annually to my layouts and train room.  I created this train room in my present home back in 1996-98, but had the layout prior to 1996, since 1985 in my previous residence.

Regards - Joe F



BELOW -- 2photos  (a few of very many that week)  I took of Alan as he was covering the trolley lines of the Philadelphia region

BELOW--a PCC Car in Mount Airy, Northwest Philly, 3/2015, -- and next below that , the Baltimore Ave Line

Trolley loop near 63rd & Baltimore Ave. 3/2015



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Hello Strap  !

Cripes -- I don't want to ruin the scenes of my train room that way.  But here is one photo and a short video  --- with me in the scenes - in June 2018

Below with me in the center -- is NYC MTA Subway motormen Zach Summer (at left) and MTA Motorman Jason Okrosy at right .  I have my scratchbuilt 5 story tenement building with an FW Woolworth 5&10 Cent store on it, (and its facade sign) lying flat to show its construction & details.  The HO Scale Mainline railroad "around the room" modular-shelves layout is behind us -- and upper shelves seen arefor storing some of the 200 + HO Railroad passenger cars of PRR, NYCRR, NHRR, LIRR, B&O, Reading RR, SEPTA, Metro North, AMTRAK, (heavyweight & Streamline cars)

Below is a short video of my with, seen,  former Metro North & Conrail locomotive Engineer Richard Okrosy and his MTA  NY Transit Motorman son (kneeling) Jason Okrosy,  and the Layout's partner for all its circuitry wiring and electrical installation with me for for 35 years - Jim Boylan - seen with glasses by the EL layout layup yards further back -

Most ALL the Photos and the Videos taken that day in June 2018, were taken (see below) by Doug Diamond,  also an MTA - NY Transit subway motorman.  -- regards - Joe F

Zach S, Joe F & Jason Okrosy-6-24-2017

BELOW in the photo I took that June 2018 day,  is at left, the "late" DOUG DIAMOND -- also an MTA NY Subway Motorman (seen with Rich Okrosy) .

Doug sadly died, A YEAR  AFTER June 2018 when he took the above photo and video, and when I took that photo below, of Pancreatic Cancer ,  suddenly while being treated at a Long Island NY hospital, on  July 30, 2019,  just 2 months after his  May 2019 medical diagnosis.

I spoke by phone to Doug at his home one morning in early July 2019,  a few weeks before he died,  about rescheduling to cooler weather in late-September 2019, his then planned July 2019  layout-visit with some pals he wanted to make.  He never mentioned anything about being so ill   - (or he didn't really know then how bad, maybe) - just stating, sort of tired sounding,  that he was on his way out that morning to the doctors for some "tests" because he was not feeling that well. And he would get back "later" to me about the September visit.   He died a few weeks later.   He had previously talked with me in early April 2019 by phone about setting it up sometime in late July.    His passing away at age 60,   was a loss and  big blow to our fellow friends,  transit modelers, fans and his fellow MTA subway employees.  I still miss Dougie !



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Hello WS Joe (Justino)

The newest photos as usual look excellent  Problem is,  on those LIONEL produced subway cars, the cluttered up interior (seeing those electrical wavy wires, door-servo-boxes, blanked out upper-case side windows where electrical boxes in ceilings are, etc,  ruins the platform level views to the car interiors.  Perhaps better to shoot from an upper angle with the car doors open.   (Joe F)

I think if Lionel were designing them today they would take advantage of state of the art electronics for the connections and lighting. The wiring of the current models have a distinctly "old-school" look to them with the bundles of wires and the incandescent light bulbs, but I think  they were designed about 15 years ago. I would be a very happy customer if they redesigned the sets and offered some new models with opening doors like Lo-V's and R-1's.

Last edited by West Side Joe

Thank you Joseph F, I think it would be fun modeling Subways, many folks have subway trains on their layouts. Also, traction layouts running on overhead electrification layouts are unique. I will go back and take a few minutes and review this topic. The Lionel subway on my layout is the R30 with Legacy.  Happy Railroading Everyone F61CC375-2DCE-4BFD-80F0-9D2B92FE2EBC1F9980CA-EEAC-4A7B-954D-C7ADE5AF693FB42404BC-AF20-49DE-9F12-EF555B3FF87A4D67B0D8-8C90-4203-91C4-4775D3AEAC1BE51B6A8B-AC87-46BF-BC63-EF0E0C9D752E


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A bit of an aside here: Some of you know that I also post pics of this project on a Facebook group page called "Only The Finest In O-Gauge Railroading" run by Kelly Harris (oops: actually "Scale", not "Gauge").  Facebook has decided to lock my FB account, for no discernible reason other than "unusual activity", and is requiring that I upload copies of personal documents such as driver's license, identification cards, passport, utility bills or bank statements, in order to "prove" my identity.

I have no desire to provide such personal documents to a company that locks my account with no opportunity for discussion or appeal, so if any of you visit Kelly's FB page mentioned above, I'd appreciate your telling him that all the posts by "Justino Garcia" (my FB name) are no longer visible.  Thankfully, I have never posted any pictures on FB that I didn't have copies of in hard copy or in other storage locations, so nothing lost there.

Perhaps there is no connection, but about a month ago, I sent a complaint to Facebook accusing them of rampant greed because in addition to selling my account activity information to the highest bidder, they had recently started flooding my feed with ads, so much so that every other post was an ad.  I told them I thought it was unconscionable.  Connection there?  NAH!

Sorry for the rant.  Back to the project.

Hello WS Joe (Justino)


As you know Brian DeForest set me up on his own without my knowledge, last Nov. 2018,  - to a new FB account.  He set up a sign in (using his wife's cell phone number) ID - and set up a Password -- and listed a wildly incorrect date of birth for me for the acct..  Well, it worked - the acct opened and worked OK until the past 6 months past when issues cropped up here and there.  But I could always LOG IN.

Finally I got a notice Tues 24th that  "my" Facebook Account (under "IRT EL MAN" that he had up for me)  was LOCKED.  When I tried to follow the FB steps to unlock the account,  the DOB info I posted (the exact DOB as he set in that account for me) I typed in correctly and it bounced back with a notice   "The Birth Date you entered does not match the one on your your account!" -  Well, I could not proceed any further!

I don't know if I can get back to FB at all  -- or save the IRT EL MAN FB account -- because if it THAT account goes away -- all the media and material and historical data and info I posted will be deleted.  2 1/2 years valuable work and input vanished.  I tried in Dec 2020 to set up my own legit personal separate FB acct with all valid data info about me -- and it opened up as a new FB Acct. for  me successfully -- BUT -- then THAT new FB acct.  was "Disabled" after about 8 hours on line even tho I never used it yet -- and 2 weeks later was Permanently Disabled and the action non-reversable.

FB doesn't even have any live customer service to help people thru things like get them sorted and corrected, worked out !!! .  They tell you to go on line to their HELP center but you have to be ABLE TO LOG IN FIRST to do that. I can't, heh, log in after being locked out !  What a joke !

Anyway- we are  BOTH in the same boat now !  Regards ! -  Joe F

Sorry to hear that you are also a victim of Facebook's inability to handle the monster they have created. I always knew that anything I posted on FB immediately became the property of FB. I'm sure you did too. I never relied on FB as a repository of my pictures. I'm sad, though, that the discussions that took place on FB are also lost to me.  But it's all in conformance with the terms of service we agree to when we sign up for a "free" FB account, which of course is anything but free in reality.

Sorry to hear that you are also a victim of Facebook's inability to handle the monster they have created. I always knew that anything I posted on FB immediately became the property of FB. I'm sure you did too. I never relied on FB as a repository of my pictures. I'm sad, though, that the discussions that took place on FB are also lost to me.  But it's all in conformance with the terms of service we agree to when we sign up for a "free" FB account, which of course is anything but free in reality.

Well,  all photos I posted on Fart Book are from my Computer files and safe (and remote-stored on backup SD Cards)-- so the only ones that have lost out are the many hundreds or more followers of me on FB who enjoyed and valued my contributions - photos, , models, historical stuff,  historical data and history, etc.  All now "hidden"  from all viewers (and me)  on FB but will not be put back as visible again, unless that account can be unlocked. That's THEIR loss -- not so much for me.  I have plenty of forums sites I am on and known on.  FB also has a bad habit of randomly "losing" posted messages and image content submitted.  It shows up and a day or so later -- its either totally gone or a statement "content is no longer available" is seen where it was located.  I cant unlock the account nor access FB on line help because I CANNOT SIGN IN ANY MORE!  A Stupid format system they have.

But again, that acct. was a sort of fabricated fantom ID account set up by Brian Deforest for me prior to and without even my knowledge -- until he later told me about it and that I "was then on Facebook..." (thru his setup fabrication).

He informed me today he contacted FB help and is trying to get it straightened out.  I doubt anything will result.

I set up a still not completed website on FB  called "THE LATE GREAT BRONX 3rd AV EL" some time ago.   THAT site, as a public view access site,  and all its content,  is still visible to me and all viewers on FB -- but obviously I can't log in to it now nor either access it to manage that photos-site which I created.  Its just stagnant drifting aimlessly on FB now with no one who can operate it  (which would have been only me).  Most all the photos on it were taken by me in the 1950's and 60's and are mine from and saved my own computer so they are not lost to me as such.   I am sure most all of my FB followers will now see "IRT EL MAN"  (being me) and all my content I submitted for 2 1/2 years now,  have disappeared completely from view from Facebook.  Its their loss.

regards - Joe F


Believe it or not, it escaped me that the station could be hooked up to a loop.  In my mind it was always a splendid stand alone diorama.  When the train rolled into the station on the video, I had to ask myself where did it come from?  Well... the title of the thread has included the word "modular" from the start.  Duh!

One of my thoughts has been to just have a 48" x 30" diorama of a New York street scene with an elevated subway and concentrate on just that so I can complete something, but I never do.  Your station set-up proves to me that it can be done.

P.S. - I subscribed to your YouTube channel.

When I planned this layout, I imagined 4 identical modules that could be connected either end to end, or each module forming one side of a 4-sided loop, or a combination of the two, which is what you see in the video: the two completed modules are end to end in the front, and the track then loops around to the back and runs on the two unfinished modules which are also end to end. I really don't have the room to set it up permanently, but this way I can enjoy the big trains and store it in pieces when I'm done.

When you design your diorama, you can make the track run off at each end for future connection to other modules. That encourages you to think about what the next module will look like, but there's no rush, and you still have something to show for your efforts. 😁

@CTA Fan posted:

Question = where do you source your figures/people?

Most of them are Arttista. Then a bunch are from a seller in Belarus on Ebay: do a search on Seller:gordvlad . The rest are Bachmann, MTH/Rail King and Woodland Scenics, all found on Ebay. I search for O scale figures.  The only issue is that some figures are 1:43, some are 1:48. I place similar figures together and away from others that are different scale. I even have a few S scale figures, which work well in seated positions, like on the luncheonette stools.

Although some of the figures are pricey, it's a relatively small splurge, and the figures are essential to this layout.  Since I'm not spending $1,500 or $2,000 on a Lionel Legacy Challenger or the like, I feel it's OK to indulge in a much smaller splurge. 😁

Last edited by West Side Joe

So this wraps up the construction of the second subway module, Times Square Station. Thank you to everyone who contributed, suggested, commented and liked.

I'm thinking of what the next module will entail. Right now I think I would like to replicate one of the early first-contract IRT stations along the West Side of Manhattan, but with a rendition of my much-loved Viejo San Juan above ground. Sort of a fantasy layout.

Joe it's a great module.  I don't recall the construction of the first module.  Watching the video I thought it would be cool if a mechanism like the Lionel milk car could somehow be put in a subway car to "eject" passenger(s) when the doors open,  and something like the mech for the modern fork lift loader could let passengers "walk" into the sub way cars.

The street lights in my first module always bothered me. They didn't look like the "shepherd's crook" NYC lights, and they didn't light up, because I didn't want to be bothered with all the proprietary Woodland Scenics "Just Plug" components. But I hadn't found any ready-made ones, and the ones I had just kept bothering me...

Then Joe Frank's scratch-built lights got me to thinking, maybe I can make some, too. So I modified some existing Woodland Scenics lights with bent brass tubing and clothing snap fasteners, and got the "Just Plug" components. Now I feel better. 🤪 Thank you, Joe.



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@West side Joe, Wow , beautiful workmanship, just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your work with us. I think a subway layout would be very interesting, maybe it’s called Traction, not sure, but I’m going back to the beginning of this thread and start from the Beginning. I do have a Lionel R30 set, it’s a crowd pleaser. Happy Railroading Everyone FCDB75D2-5FB0-4C5D-8313-7D0C6ED20AB6


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@bigkid posted:

Absolutely stunning module, as a veteran of riding the subways you have captured it. About the only criticism I would give is the place with the "Frankfurter" sign should have been a Nedicks *smile*. There was one in the old Times square station by the shuttle if I recall correctly. (really good hot dog, too, with the toasted bun).

That was a unique hot dog bun for sure. More like a folded up slice of thick toast. Hadn't thought about those in ages. 😋

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