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Looking for information on center rail pickup rollers for both Railking and Scale 0-6-0's

Do any of the Railking engines have pickups on the engine itself.  Pictures look like what shows a place to mount, but I find no information that shows them, I checked MTH's parts list and the only one that has a drawing that is available is for an older PS2 engine and doesn't show them.  Do the newer PS# versions have them?  Part numbers?

Same question regarding the Premier version, the PS2 version definitely has what looks like a place to mount pickups but I find no information on any of the Premier engines PS2 or PS3.

I have the large MTH maintenance kit with parts.  I can fab something if I have to but would rather have something to "drop in".


Gray Lackey



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I have added rollers to a variety of locomotives and tenders.  Here's one that just had rollers on the tender, and had issues with switches, so I dropped in a roller on the locomotive, huge difference.  I used all MTH stock parts to add this roller.

MTH Switcher Reliability Upgrade


I've also added rollers to tenders without the factory provisions, I use either fiberglass or Styrene board stock to make the insulated mount.


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
NHVRYGray posted:

Do you know if the same parts would work on a Railking switcher?  I would easily pay an extra $20 for what can be no more than $2 worth of parts.

I'd have to see the mounting provisions on the RK switcher to know what would work.  The parts are actually a bit more than $2, but they're not really expensive.  I think the MSRP of all the parts I used came to around $10 if I recall.

I was explaining why MTH did it, not how you may want to modify it.  There were some large steam that also had similar issues.

Same with 2R-3R issues.  For those that want 3R only, I go in and modify wiring so that an engine ground comes across the tracks too.

PS-3 allows much more flexibility with boiler and tender board.  G

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