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Hello everyone!

I have a 4 car set of mth Amtrak Bi-Levels, also known as 20-61024. After hitting some switch stands on my layout, they recently had some scratches that appeared near the door, that are sadly very noticeable. I was wondering if anyone thinks MTH is able to have them sent in and apply the matching touch up paint that would fix this problem, or if any possible MTH authorized service stores could do this? If not, what would the proper paint be that I could use to fix them myself? 


P.S. Photo of the cars are attached to the post


Images (1)
  • IMG_2084: Shot of the color of the bi levels, and the scratches that are on the door :(
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Silver paint is extremely difficult to fix. Honestly (from experience), just leave it. If you touch it up with a brush, the metallic wont lay the same and you'll still see it, it'll just sparkle at you too. The only way to really fix it is going to be finding the appropriate color silver, sanding down the bottom of the car there, and spraying it with an airbrush. Even at that point, you're not likely to get a perfect match. 

 Are you certain its a scratch and not a scuff? You can try some ScratchX or other automotive polishing compound and see if it makes it a little less noticeable. 

Last edited by Boilermaker1

All the above information is appreciated though. I have some late nineties RK double stack Amtrak cars with the tooling seam line on the roof. I was contemplating sanding them and doing a repaint but after reading the above that line has just become a lot less of a  big deal.  

AmtrakNickFilms posted:

Hello everyone!

I have a 4 car set of mth Amtrak Bi-Levels, also known as 20-61024. After hitting some switch stands on my layout, they recently had some scratches that appeared near the door, that are sadly very noticeable. I was wondering if anyone thinks MTH is able to have them sent in and apply the matching touch up paint that would fix this problem, or if any possible MTH authorized service stores could do this? If not, what would the proper paint be that I could use to fix them myself? 


P.S. Photo of the cars are attached to the post

I'd try the magic eraser, and some serious Michaels Paint Section Hunting! 

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