Background: I have several detailed drawings of CNW engines (and a caboose) that are framed and mounted on my home office walls. A few months ago I decided to complement the display with a few O-scale pieces, mostly freight cars but with one engine. These are displayed, along with my first HO-scale equipment that is 45-60 years old, in Showcase Express wall units. I selected MTH Premier equipment because of the level of detail.
I did purchase an MTH CNW U30C, which is currently in my display. However, my preference would be a non-powered unit, but the CNW road name seems to be scarce (looking only for new items). What I don't understand is the difference between Premier items; for example the 20-2561-3 Dash 9 version and the 20-20118-3 Dash 9 version. As noted, this will be primarily for display, and a high level of detail is preferred. It seems, using the example I mentioned, that the 20-20118-3 version is more scale-accurate.
Is that correct?
Thanks for any enlightenment.