??? "Coors train technology"??? Are you talking about the application where the DCS signal information was sent to the engine which then sent the signal from the engine to the freight cars as I understand; it was set up to open and close the doors??
On my set with extra cars it never ever did perform flawlessly, when you pushed the button a few of the doors would not open or would not close. Took repeated button pushes to get all open or all closed! I found it unreliable, cleaned the track, tried it on a small isolated loop of track still did not solve the issue. It was a cool feature, but perhaps the fact that it did not work well perhaps was why they carried it forward on anything else.
The Lionel system of small TMCC boards on following freight or passenger cars etc. seemed to work well.
Eventually my main engine board died on my Coors Light train and I just wired the 3rd rail pickup rollers up on all the reefer cars so they would roll on the tracks and have the engine run on DC power with a DC transformer and pickup power direct to the motor for many years. The train is always a hit on the public Christmas layouts with colored lights shining on the silver train. Mine the motor finally died this season after running 12 hour days for many Christmas season weekends. Anyone know the replacement engine parts #? not on the MTH website.