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Hi all,


  • Route feature does not work to throw single or multiple switches through the app or the remote
  • Accessory "All on / All off" feature does not work through the app or the remote
  • Switch "All straight / all curve" feature does not work through the app or the remote
  • I hear no relay click on either AIU when I try and execute any of the above features


Set up:

  • TIU wired to (2) AIU's
  • First AIU has factory RJ12 6PC cross-over cable
  • Second AIU is connected via custom length (25ft) RJ12 6PC cross-over cable
  • Running version 6.10 on remote and TIU
  • DCS wifi is app is 3.2.1 with 1.1 software flash
  • TIU is powered with (2) Z4000's using 3 of the 4 available variable voltage outputs
  • The 3 outputs are routed to 2 of the fixed TIU channels and 1 of the variable channels, set to fixed
  • The layout is comprised of 3 roughly equal size blocks, each powered by a single TIU channel
  • I run in a command environment only
  • Layout is approx 200 square feet
  • Layout is Fastrack
  • I have 16 switches all wired to the AIU's through the 14V accessory power channel on the Z4000's
  • I have 15 accessory's wired to the AIU's through the 14 V accessory power channel on the Z4000's


What works:

  • I can throw all switches individually on the layout with the app or with the remote
  • I can power on and off all accessories individually using the app or the remote
  • Layout signal strength is 9/10 across the board


Note:  up until about 6 months ago, the route feature, and "all on/all off" for both accessories and switches worked fine.  

Corrective actions taken:

  • Updated TIU to version 6.10 -- I was running version 6.0
  • Updated remote from 6.0 to 6.10
  • Updated app and firmware
  • Performed factory reset of TIU
  • Disconnected 2nd AIU (with custom length cable) from 1st AIU to see if I could perform functions on only the AIU connected by factory cable
  • reversed cable directions on both factory cable to AIU 1 and custom cable on AIU 2 
  • cut wire and re-crimped plastic connectors on custom length cable
  • inspected connector pins from AIU input/output ports and DCS TIU - AIU input port (I admit the inspection was cursory and depending on response may need to inspect more carefully)
  • Tapped on the housing of both TIU and AIU while uttering curse words several times


Any insight is appreciated.  I can run the layout fine without these features, which is why I let it go for so long, but the routes come in handy sometimes when I have switches that I throw in sequence and repetitively, and it's annoying to power on each accessory individually.  Both of these features just save time and button pressing.  I would love to get this working again.  Thanks!


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