Forgive me if this has been discussed or answered before. This is maybe just a more self assurance for myself. I'm thinking of the best command\remote system to purchase. I've been researching both command and dcs systems.
I run a 5x9 layout with 4 sperate ovals. Mainly I run conventional. I do have one Lionel command. I may be interested in proto 2 and 3 in the future.
Here's what I think I understand if I choose the MTH 50-1001 set:
I can use my reconditioned postwar zw-r's and connect to the tiu. Then run those to the track. There's 2 variable and 2 fixed outputs. My understanding is if I want to change the fixed outputs to variable I can do that through the remote and vs versus. That way if I want to run all 4 ovals conventional with the remote I can?
Also I can purchase the MTH 50-1032 cable to connect Lionel command base with limited legacy use. No issue since I don't have legacy yet.
I'm thinking that may be the way to go to run dcs and Lionel command. Just trying to keep this as simple as possible. Price is a whole other issue right now. So, I can wait for the right deal.
Any corrections or advice is appreciated! Thanks everyone.