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@Pausch posted:


I know that Atlas and Lionel have both bought MTH tooling for engines, freight and other components. Has any company bought MTH’s European line up tooling? I am still looking for a BR44 and I am sure I am not the only one doing so. Is there any information out there?


Paul S

Just found out LENZ got the Croc and the BR44 tooling.

@Pausch  There are a few guys who run 2 and 3 rail. I am toying with the idea for my next layout.  Just be aware you will need much more room for 2 rail scale wheels. I have two MTH Euro Crocs one with scale and the other high rail (HR) wheels. The HR will easily take an 072 curve, the scale jumps the track as it enters the curve. Even the scale wheel passenger cars don't like the 072 curves on Ross track.  If I do it, I'll have to go solidrail and may just keep it as a point to point run depending on available space for large curves.

Black Diamond RR runs scale wheels on 3 rail MTH Scale Trax as an example.

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