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Hello Fellow Subway Fans:

There seems to be no resource available that lists MTH O Gauge Subway sets that includes the train line and station stops. That's frustrated me greatly over the years, so I've decided to try and do something about it. I would like to enlist your help.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to post on this thread the sets I own and include the following:

  • Set Number
  • Color of train
  • Line (e.g., LEX AVE EXPRESS #4 TRAIN)
  • Transit Company (e.g., IRT, IND, BMT, MTA)
  • Station Stops
  • PS1, PS2 or PS3
  • RailKing or Premier

I'd like to invite those of you who wish to participate to do so. If I gather enough confirmed info here, I'll also create a Google Doc database and make it sharable so it's all in one place.

As the future is uncertain about these sets, many will be turning to the secondary market. With PS3 reissues of some PS2 sets, it might be helpful to know this info.

Enjoy your subways!

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Here is my list of PS2 and PS3 sound files for most of MTH's subway sets.

Please note:
- I label everything in this format: sound file name, Type of subway/engine, passenger/freight and route name if present, PS2 or PS3
- If it does not say PS2 5V or PS2 3V its a PS3 system. (PS3 files are named as they are shown in zipped format)
- When looking at sound file names, the first letter determines if its Railking (r), Premier (p), or HO (h)


h151_p_r17_nb-red_met160307af4x-cnsmr - R-17 - No.6 Lex Ave Local (North Bound)



Last edited by Oscale_Trains_Lover_

Here is my list of PS2 and PS3 sound files for subways.

Please note:
- I label everything in this format: sound file name, Type of subway/engine, passenger/freight if name is present, PS2 or PS3
- If it does not say PS2 5V or PS2 3V its a PS3 system. (PS3 files are named as they are shown in zipped format)
- When looking at sound file names, the first letter determines if its Railking (r), Premier (p), or HO (h)


h151_p_r17_nb-red_met160307af4x-cnsmr - R-17 - No.6 Lex Ave Local (North Bound)


Thank you so much! This is a great resource start. What would be nice to add would be the station stops, and I'm going start by adding the stops to my trains.

Good idea on the sound file names. Are the sound files still up on MTH web? Are they accessed in the support section as the download? Or are they on their own page?

I'm also going to suggest set numbers, just because that seems to be the most common way to search for a set.

Last edited by pdxtrains
@pdxtrains posted:

Thank you so much! This is a great resource start. What would be nice to add would be the station stops, and I'm going start by adding the stops to my trains.

Good idea on the sound file names. Are the sound files still up on MTH web? Are they accessed in the support section as the download? Or are they on their own page?

I'm also going to suggest set numbers, just because that seems to be the most common way to search for a set.

They are still available on the MTH webpage in the support section as a download. PS2 files cannot be downloaded through Edge or Explorer. I personally used Firefox to download files.

When I heard that MTH was going to close down, I downloaded all the sound files I wanted for my personal use. The MTH website mentioned DCS and PS3 would be in a spinoff company, so I hoped I could upgrade engines and sets with sound files I liked (don't know what will happen the the ones currently listed on the MTH website). I didn't include the product numbers since I didn't need them.

Last edited by Oscale_Trains_Lover_

I cut and pasted the below from my train inventory.  I also tried to remove all of the add on cars and non subway sets, so I may have accidentally left something out. The date is the year i purchased it. The line or route is included in the description. Also, everything before 2003 is a ps2 5 volt board  (all have been upgraded to ps2-3 volt boards or ps3, except for my work train, which just keeps on chugging).  Model numbers starting with 20 are premier, 30 are railking.   I know it doesn't provide all the station stops, but at least with the lines/routes, you can get a start on which ones you might want to download and sample. MTH has the sound files for every model except the R-17 Yankees set :

R-21 #2 (Redbird) Set MTH 30-2198-1 2000

R-32- N line (Original Stainless w/ Blue doors) set MTH 20-2283-1 2001

R-17 # 5 (Silver with Blue Stripe) set MTH 30-2211-1 2002

R-36 #7 (World's Fair) set MTH 30-2274-1 2002

MTA Yellow Work TrainSet- NW-2 Diesel M.O.W. w/ R-17 yellow rider MTH 30-2273-1 2002

R-12 #1 (White) set MTH 30-2372-1 2003

R-12 # 7 (Two-tone gray) set MTH 30-2373-1 2003

R-17 Special Yankees Set MTH 30-4123-1 2004

R-1 - A Line (Original Paint Scheme) set MTH 20-2554-1 2005

Lo-V (Original Paint Scheme) set Lex Ave line MTH 30-2447-1 2005

Lo-V (Red Museum Colors) - Lex Ave Line MTH 30-2448-1 2005

R-26 # 6 (Kale Green) - MTH 30-2446-1 2005

R-62 #4 (Aluminum - color) set MTH 30-2671-1  2006

R-40 F Line (Aluminum color) Set MTH 20-2717-1 2006

Q Type 3-Car Subway (Worlds Fair Blue) MTH 30-2760-1 2007

R-11 #3, 4 car Subway Set w/Blue Doors MTH 20-2934-1 2008

R-33S #7 4 car Subway Set - redbirds MTH 30-20354-1 2016

Last edited by Strap Hanger
@pdxtrains posted:

What does "Red Museum Colors" refer to? Is it the Transit Museum, or something else?

That's it. The train is sitting in the Transit museum in Brooklyn. Those were just my notes from my inventory schedule. It's such a bright, colorful, out of the ordinary paint scheme, that i wanted to note that the prototype is on display.  MTH copied a number of the trains sitting in the Transit museum. Its pretty cool to go down there and see how well MTH duplicated the originals.

R-26 # 6 (Kale Green) - MTH 30-2446-1 2005

I have discovered a NIB set of these, and am considering buying it.  I'd immediately change out the battery before running for a BCR-- I think these P2s use 3 volts?

Is this the era where all the windows fell out? If so I guess I will be doing some gluing if I buy this.

Would you think there would be any concern about a bad board in these? It's never been run--and again, first thing upon unboxing would be a BCR.

I remember riding this line when I lived in the City and it would be fun to have this.

@pdxtrains posted:

I have discovered a NIB set of these, and am considering buying it.  I'd immediately change out the battery before running for a BCR-- I think these P2s use 3 volts?

Is this the era where all the windows fell out? If so I guess I will be doing some gluing if I buy this.

Would you think there would be any concern about a bad board in these? It's never been run--and again, first thing upon unboxing would be a BCR.

I remember riding this line when I lived in the City and it would be fun to have this.

It’s a great set. The windows on mine have never fallen out, unlike my r-12s and Lo-vs. I’ve had to reglue so many of the windows on those models but not this one. I also love the peach interior color of the r-26 and also remember riding in similar cars when I commuted to 23rd street while attending Baruch for my undergraduate degree.  It has a 3 volt board, not the dreaded 5 volt board, which has died in almost all of my early subways (the heat of the subways really seems to kill those 5 volt  boards).  If the price isn’t too outrageous, I’d definitely pull the trigger. Replace the battery with a Bcr, check the motor car roof for a heat shield, oil and lube the engine and all cars so they roll with less friction (putting less strain on the motor car) and don’t over heat it when running (keep it at around 15-16 volts if not doing auto mode) and it should last like mine.  Mine has operated flawlessly.  

MTH Railking #30-2122-1 - R42 D Train - Silver / Blue - PS1


-161st Street - Yankee Stadium
- 59th Street - Columbus Circle
- 47th / 50th Street - Rockefeller Center / Radio City Music Hall
- 42nd Street - Times Square
- 34th Street - Herald Square
- Chinatown - Grand Street
- Prospect Park
-Coney Island / Stillwell Avenue

MTH Railking #30-20625-1 - R12 #1 Train - Red - PS3


South Ferry
Cortlandt Street - Hudson Terminal
Houston Street
34th Street - Pennsylvania Station
72nd Street
116th Street - Columbia University
137th Street - City College
168th Street - Washington Heights
242nd Street - Van Cortlandt Park
Non-Powered Car Features

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