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Does anyone have a MTH Premier Santa Fe Hudson by chance?
The specs on MTH's web site say 27 inches long. I have an Atlas turntable and it is listed at 24 inches. If one of you has this, could you measure from front wheel to back wheel to see if it would be at or below 24 inches and thus fit on the turntable.  Thank you.
Original Post

Tom - Assuming you didn't mean the Blue Goose, my engine measured 23 3/8 from front truck to rear tender truck.  However, there is a choice of two holes to couple the engine to the tender.  I use the hole that gets the closest coupling.  I had to cut off the remainder of the draw bar for easier coupling and uncoupling.  I doubt that the separation between holes was 5/8", so I would say it should work.


I assumed you meant the Hudson like the one in the middle. 





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