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Inside a Lionel Classics 115 station I just bough was one of these units. Has QSI on it so guessing about pre 2000. Are there any adjustments other than volume that can be done to it or are the sounds a one size fits all type. Anyone have instructions for one? It does work.


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QSI made those in the 1990s.  They made a number of different sound sets like "station sounds" and "barnyard sounds".  I have the station sounds and that's likely what you have.  The only adjustment is volume.  There are about 8 sound clips and they play at random or on a rotation.  The station sounds have announcements like "Now arriving on track 1 ...".  There are sounds of automobiles and a baby crying.  Very primitive by todays sound standards.  I find this is too repetitive and boring to run this very long, so I just turn on briefly when there are guests.


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