I am stumped by this problem and hoping that somebody can give me a tip....
I have an MTH Premier Genesis Engine Protsound2; older model with 9V battery. I have replaced the battery with a BCR. When placed on the track (with DCS TIU) it is recognized, starts up, fully functions. The minute I try to move it, however, it shuts down. If I wiggle it a bit, it will start up again and may or may not be recognized again by the TIU. Occasionally, I can get it to move and once it is rolling, it seems fine until I stop it again and then the same behavior as above.
The BCR is doing its job because if I kill power to the track, sounds persists for 5-10 secs as expected. It is not a rail issue because all other trains work fine.
I conclude that this must be a roller / pick up / contact issue on the train. However I have inspected and cleaned the rollers. I have even tried to clean the wheels to make certain there is good contact with ground. I have never had an engine behave like this. Is there something else that I should check? It really seems like it might be a wheel to rail contact issue, but the answer is not obvious to me.
Any thoughts?