Can an MTH PS-1 engine run with DCS while running with PS-2 & PS-3 engines on the same track?
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It's possible, but difficult. The command engines have to run on lower voltage, and may shut down when you change direction of the PS1. Barry has a good description of the procedure in his book.
Ok, so difficult. Would it be possible to use a PS-1 engine as a dummy in a lash-up by disengaing the drive train (motor) but retain the sounds?
The intention would be to run the PS-1 sound only as a dummy lash-up with 1 or more PS-2 engines in that lash-up.
Yes, it would be possible but I doubt you would want to. ProtoSounds is voltage controlled so in a diesel the PS2 may be starting out slow but the ProtoSound unit will be at Notch 8 roaring because you have 18 volts on the track for the DCS.
Gene Anstine
Good point. Is there a way to lower the volume. The reason for the questions is I own a PS-1 diesel, I'm considering converting to a non-powered unit. Rather than spend the extra money for just diesel sound in the unit, utilize the existing sound.
What would be the easiest solution to retain the sound components & disengage the motors. Just remove the motors, remove a gear in the gearbox?
What other alternative is there to have sound & no power. If the dummy (no sound, no power) is used within a lash-up, the lack of sound wouldn't be that obvious. My thought is to utilize it alone in the middle or at the tail of a long train as a helper.
Sell it and buy what you want. Trying to integrate a PS-1 conventional sound into operations of DCS command engine is not worth it. Also, you can not run it as a lashup with DCS Cruise and PS-1 no cruise.
I realize I can't run it in a lashup as a powered engine. What I'm trying to find out is, if the motors are removed or gears in the gear box removed will I still be able to utilize the sound system. I just want a dummy with sound. If I gut it completely I have a dummy engine without sound.
The PS-1 engine won't see a direction change in DCS and you won't have motor feedback to the sound board, plus it will remain in reset at voltage above 10V at startup. Not the type of board to do what you want. G
Hi George,
Thanks for the reply. I guess I don't understand the technical end of the electronics. I don't ever fiddle with the electronics of these things. When I need help I always send it off to the guys that do the repairs, you included.
The engine runs & sounds pretty good, I figured just removing the motors, making it essentially a non-powered dummy the sound would still be intact, although roaring at 18 volts as Gene Anstine mentioned above.
I guess I'll just gut it, and have a silent dummy, maybe that's why they call it a dummy!
I've toyed with the idea of powering the PS/1 board with a variable voltage based on motor voltage. Give it around 6V when stopped and ramp up the voltage based on the motor voltage. It would allow you to have the PS/1 prime mover sounds, though I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
Well, I removed the motors & retained all the electronics. The sound worked & was as I expected, but wasn't worth bothering with as is. I gutted the engine & at the moment running it between 2 powered diesels or behind a powered unit, like any other powered/dummy combination.
If I decide to add sound down the road, what options do I have to install a simple sound system to run with DCS, PS2 & PS3 engines?
Thanks for the suggestions.