The speaker issue is new to me, how does a flaky magnet affect the audio amplifier?
Is this something common throughout all mth engines or certain models/era?
Because, if it's flaking on the outside- think about inside with the voice coil and the tiny gap where the voice coil and it's thin magnet wire with super thin insulation could rub and then short to the metal pole of the magnet assembly. Besides just sounding terrible, it's the tiny warning sign you get before the coil shorts to magnet and because the frame of the speaker may be connected to frame of the tender- AC track power travels up the speaker wires back into the amp blowing it up and maybe taking out the entire board.
More common in PS2, both 5V and PS2 3V systems from my experience. I have piles and piles of bad speakers.
PS3 mainly went to a more modern style and got away from the ceramic magnets- and thus are not subject to this failure. It's really about the ceramic magnet and just being mass produced speakers in that time era.
In a nutshell, the failure is the ceramic or other magnet material the manufacturer chose- they got it wrong, and it self degrades over time. Some had a nickel plated coating to seal in the magnet but when the magnet material fails and expands and changes shape, this just cracks and flakes off the coating- and again, that coating is both outside- but more importantly inside the voice coil area with NO clearance. All it takes is some flake cutting through the insulation on the copper wire coil coil and it's potentially game over.